What is happening to our world?

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  1. MJ-Beautiful soul
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    Today, war and terrorism has cast a shadow on the world. This is an alarming development that threatens our freedom in every way.
    There have been many great men who fought for freedom and human rights throughout the years. We have big names like Marting Luther King, the pastor, as we all know, fighting for civil rights. And traveled over six million miles and spoke over twenty-five hundred times, appeared wherever there was injustice, protests and actions. He caught the attention of the entire World. He was arrested over twenty times, and assaulted at least four times. When he was thirty-five (1964) he received the Nobel Peace Price, as the youngest man who has received this award. On the evening of April 4th, 1968, while he stood on the hotel balcony in Memphis Tennessee, where he would lead a protest march, he was assissinated only, 39 years old. He knew that what he did was dangerous, but he continued to fight for what he believed in, this great man, finally had to sacrifice his life for human freedom. His effort was fantastic, and he made a difference in this world. But for what price?
    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, another great man who spent his entire life to fight for peace. An Indian ideological leader and a pre-eminent politician.
    He pioneered "satyagraha". This is defined as resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, a philosophy firmly founded upon non-violence. This concept helped India to gain independence, and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.
    We know him best as Mahatma Gandhi, which means "great soul". His birthday October 2th, is the world's international day of non-violence. January 30, 1948, he too was assassinated, 78 years old.
    Nelson Mandela, also a great man. A former President of South Africa, and the first who was elected in a completely democratic election. Prior to his presidency, Mandela was an activist against apartheid, and he was the leader of the armed wing of the African National Congress. He was convicted by the South African courts of sabotage as well as other charges when he led the movement in his country against apartheid. Because of his conviction, Mandela spent twenty-seven years in prison, many of those years were spent on Robben Island.
    For his work, he have received more than 250 awards, and the most notable of these awards is probably the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize. On June 18, this year, he will be 93 years old.
    These are great men, who have made a big change in the world.
    But we must not forget Mother Teresa, the great woman who ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying for over 45 years, while guiding the Missionaries of Charity's expansion, first throughout India and then in other countries. Following her death she was beatified by Pope John Paul II, and given the title "Blessed Teresa of Calcutta". She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. At the time of her death it was operating 610 missions in 123 countries, including hospices and homes for people with HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis, soup kitchens, children's and family counselling programs, orphanages, and schools!!! This great woman died i September 5th, 1997, 87 yeas old.

    These great people lived different aspects of peace, but they all succeeded to achieve great things.
    They really are a proof that it is possible to achieve something good in this world, if only we believe. But the important thing is that we must first look inside ourselves .
    We must be aware of our real fears and hopes, because these are very often common concerns, which many of us share. War is caused by ignorance of our true nature, with a great emphasis on winning and making money.
    I often ask myself: Where is the love between the world's population? When did money and power became so important? Why have we let it go so far?
    Many people all around the world has stoppet believing in peace. The Activist Dana Toomey said: Before we can live in a world with peace, we have to be able to imagine, to image peace. This is so true!!
    This makes me think of the great song of John Lennon "Imagine", he describes very clearly people's hopes, thoughts and dreams. We want a world at peace, where we can all accept each other as we are. Regardless of race, religion, skin color, political opinions and so on.
    But we are all different, and therefore we have different opinions about how to achieve happiness and peace.
    For some, happiness is power, for others it may be wealth. Yet others find happiness in fame, and money. Some want great properties, and material possessions. While other want education, and a sosial status.
    The world today is changing so fast, we can hardly keep up. Stress and materialism have become a part of our everyday lives. Many are still searching for the great happiness, but we give ourself no time to feel what we really want and what we already have. We tend to forget the little things, everything becomes a habit and we walk around like robots. It seems that we have lost focus on what is really important!
    We can not achieve peace in the world, if we have not found peace within ourselves.
    Around the world there are hundreds of people with different cultures and backgrounds, who have one thing in common: They are looking for a way to practice peace.
    Peace within means peace without, you have to be the change you wish to see in the world.
    As I write, there has occurred difficulties in Egypt. People are crying out for justice, and want a free country. Young people are being shot in the street, and there are fires everywhere. The numbers of dead is only increasing, and
    it is not only in Egypt these things happens, we see it every day on TV.
    Throughout the world, we see protests, wars, corruption, murder, terror, suicide bombers, killing. Children and young people die everyday for no reason. What has happened to our world? Is not a human life worth anything anymore? The differences in the world is increasing, children are dying of hunger and malnutrition every day.
    30,000 children die daily in Africa from a combi nation of starvation and disease-infested water. According to the Missionaries of Africa, 2,500 die daily from thirst alone. And remember, this is just in Africa. We see the same thing happen, in most poor countries in the world. While this happens, in wealthy countries we throw more food than ever. And in other countries, some have no money at all, and have to beg on the streets to get enough for a living.

    An average of nearly four children die every day, as a result of child abuse or neglect in this world. This is what is being reported, there are also many cases that are never reported at all.
    Domestic violence is not uncommon for many of these children to experience, they see their parents argue and fight every day. Though most people will not believe that parents can abuse their own children, it is a problem that is faced by many young children irrespective to class, race, gender and country. Although, many are aware that this happens, but most people ignore such things due to the fear of interfering in other people's lives. You must remember that a step made by you, can make a huge difference in the life of an innocent child. We must not be so afraid to care, we must not forget to care!!
    I will not forget that everywhere in the world, there are many groups, organizations and individuals working for a better world every day. They do an amazing job. But we need more, we must stand together.
    There is something seriously wrong in the world, and the sad thing is that many do not see it. Many do not want to see it either, they do not want to deal with the problem. Many just want to live their lives in peace, and pretend that all is well.
    I can not believe someone would want such a world like this, maybe I am just naive to think so. But if we are to do something, we must do it together.

    I will give you some quotes to ponder on:

    - More than 50 years ago, Mahatma Gandhi offered a startling truth:
    "There is no way to peace. Peace is the way."

    - "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that".
    ~Martin Luther King, Jr.~

    - "It always seems impossible until its done."
    ~Nelson Mandela~

    - "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other".
    ~Mother Teresa~

    Finally, I will mention another great man that many do not see as a humanitarian. This is incredibly sad, because he has done a lot for people all over the world.
    Michael Jackson is a true humanitarian, an example to us all. He has devoted much time and money to a wide range of charities. In addition to Heal The World Foundation, he has a long list of charities that he has individualy supported publically throughout his career. Just take a look at this:

    SPOILER (click to view)
    * AIDS Project L.A.
    * American Cancer Society
    * Angel Food
    * Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles
    * BMI Foundation, Inc.
    * Brotherhood Crusade
    * Brothman Burn Center
    * Camp Ronald McDonald
    * Childhelp U.S.A.
    * Children's Institute International
    * Cities and Schools Scholarship Fund
    * Community Youth Sports & Arts Foundation
    * Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)
    * Dakar Foundation
    * Dreamstreet Kids
    * Dreams Come True Charity
    * Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation
    * Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
    * Love Match
    * Make-A-Wish Foundation
    * Minority Aids Project
    * Motown Museum
    * NAACP
    * National Rainbow Coalition
    * Rotary Club of Australia
    * Society of Singers
    * Starlight Foundation
    * The Carter Center's Atlanta Project
    * The Sickle Cell Research Foundation
    * Transafrica
    * United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
    * United Negro College Fund Ladder's of Hope
    * Volunteers of America
    * Watts Summer Festival
    * Wish Granting
    * YMCA - 28th Street/Crenshaw

    And this is the Humanitarian awards he has recieved:

    SPOILER (click to view)
    - In 2004 Jackson was awarded the Golden Elephant Award for his continuing humanitarian efforts. For helping needy children in Africa.

    - In 1990, Jackson was awarded with a humanitarian award, from the Boy Scouts of America.

    - In 1999, Jackson was honoured with a Bollywood Award for his contributions to humanitarianism. An outstanding Humanitarian Award.

    - In 1990, Jackson was awarded with a humanitarian award, from the Capitol Children Museum.

    - In 2002, Jackson was honoured with a humanitarian award, from the Celebrate the Magic Foundation.

    - In 1994, Jackson was awarded with a humanitarian award, from the Crenshaw Community Youth & Arts Foundation.

    - In 1995, Jackson won a humanitarian award from the Harry Chapin Memorial.

    - In 1989, Jackson won an award from the National Urban Coalition, for his humanitarian endeavors.

    - In 2003, Jackson was honoured with a Oneness Award for his contributions to racial harmony.

    - In 1984, Jackson won the Presidential Humanitarian Award.

    - In 2003, Jackson was honoured with a Radio Music Award for his humanitarian endeavors.

    - In 1990, Jackson won the Humanitarian of the Year Award .

    The Millennium-Issue of the "Guinness Book Of Records" names Michael as the Pop Star who supports the most charity organizations.
    The list of all he has done is far too long to appear here, but there is no doubt that Michael Jackson has done a lot, especially for the suffering and sick children all over the world. He is a great humanitarian, there is no doubt about that.

    Therefore I will conclude with a quote from him:

    - "Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation".
    ~Michael Jackson~

    Make that change!!!


    Edited by MJ-Beautiful soul - 20/2/2012, 21:30
  2. lourdeslerida
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    Grazie Wenche!! Hai tanta ragione, pare che gli uomini non vogliano la luce, ma solo possiamo cambiare il mondo se iniziamo da noi stessi, prima dobbiamo avere il compromiso di cambiare noi stessi come dice Michael nella sua canzone Man in the mirrow , di amarci per cosí amare gli altri, e con piccole cose cominciare a cambiare il mondo, la amabilitá , il sorriso, il rispetto, la solidaritá , la toleranza con le persone cercane a noi fará la differenza. Ricordo molto quando Michael era in Inghilterra in questo campo di calcio dove li disse alla gente di tomare le mani a le persone che avevano accanto e che li dicano:" Io mi preocupo per te, io ti amo". É questo lo che dobbiamo fare, molto semplice, ma quanto difficile da fare.
  3. MJ-Beautiful soul
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    Thank you Lourdes!
    You're absolutely right, it seems so easy and it should be easy. But it turns out to be very difficult for many people. I know that love is in every human being, but some do not dare to open up and show their love. To show emotions, makes us vulnerable, and that means we can be hurt. It is a kind of protection, many are afraid to take this risk. And there can be many reasons for this, but sometimes we have to take chances in life. Why not start with love!?
    I remember well the speech of Michael, it's very beautiful and has an important message. And he has this message in many of his beautiful lyrics, and I wish more people could listen to him!
  4. MJ-Beautiful soul
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    Wenche, Lourdes, le vostre parole dovrebbero essere la normalità ed invece suonano quasi come una preghiera.
    Ho capito che, a maggior parte delle persone, oltre ad essersi messa una maschera, ha indossato anche una corazza, per difendersi dai suoi simili.
    Questo, secondo me, è quello che impedisce a tutti noi di abbracciarci, di saper condividere ed apprezzare la vita,la presenza della corazza.
    Se qualcuno di noi, inizia a levarsela e dimostra agli altri, che non succede nulla, pur non avendo questa protezione, anzi, si sente il battito del cuore dell'altro, il suo odore, il suo calore, il suo amore, che non c'è nulla da cui doversi proteggere, perchè l'altro è nostro fratello, l'altro non è uno sconosciuto, ma è l'altra parte di noi, forse la migliore, allora qualcosa nel nostro pianeta inizierà a cambiare.
    Non tutte le persone fanno lo stesso percorso, ma chi ha la fortuna di trovarsi un pò più avanti degli altri, dovrebbe riuscire a dimostrare agli altri, con fatti concreti, che nulla di tutto questo è impossibile.
    Michael è uno che ha deciso di farlo e forse ha chiamato noi, in suo aiuto.
    Forse i nostri pensieri, i nostri comportamenti, le nostre dimostrazioni d'affetto, avvicineranno curiosi.
    Qualcuno entrerà a farne parte, qualcuno rimarrà sulla porta, alcuni avranno paura, altri saranno scettici, ma il passaparola proseguirà e piano piano, arriverà in ogni angolo del pianeta.
    Sono sicura che se ognuno di noi, darà il suo contributo, farà vedere come è bello darsi agli altri, come fa bene, essere uniti, amare, condividere, nell'umiltà di non giudicare, ma di gioire insieme, del regalo della vita, la nostra madre Terra, avrà tutto da guadagnare e con lei, gli esseri umani, che la popolano.

    Thank you dear Graziella, your words are beautiful and very true. I think that this is some of what Michael wants to achieve, love, solidarity, affection, trust between people, regardless of race, religion, skin color etc. I do not think it is absolutely impossible, we just need to take one step at a time, and have great patience!

    Edited by MJ-Beautiful soul - 20/2/2012, 21:31
  5. lourdeslerida
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    Grazie mia cara Araba!! Hai tutta la ragione, allora se noi siamo l'Armata dell'Amore di Michael dobbiamo cominciare noi a farlo, cosí da poco cambiaremo il mondo per te, per me, per nostri bambini. Ti voglio un mondo di bene!!!! Shamone
  6. MJ-Beautiful soul
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    Wenche cara, ti voglio molto bene e spero un giorno di potertelo dimostrare, stringendoti in un forte abbraccio.
    Per essere sicuri che sia un vero abbraccio, bisogna contare fino a 7 prima di staccarsi.
    Allora per adesso 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ? :ok:

    Grazie cara Graziella, sei dolcissima, ti voglio molto bene!! :love:

    It would be great to meet you too one day, and give you a big hug!! :hug: :kissing: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 :ok:

    grazie ragazze per tutto quello che avete scritto
    io nel mio piccolo cerco di migliorare me stessa e anche il mio atteggiamento verso gli altri.
    Purtroppo non potremo risolvere da soli problemi molto grandi come le guerre e la fame nel mondo dove devono intervenire i governi, ma piano piano, passo dopo passo, tutti insieme possiamo fare tanto.
    il mio grazie personale è rivolto particolarmente al mio caro papa Giovanni Paolo II , a Madre Teresa, Gandhi e naturalmente al nostro Michael
    :love: :love: :love:

    Thanks Emanuela, and it is absolutely true. In the big changes we need the government in the various countries to stand up and do something, they must act.
    In the meantime, we can do a lot by changing ourselves, by showing love, compassion, solidarity and care, together we can make a change!!!

    :kiss2: :kiss2: :ehsi:

    Edited by MJ-Beautiful soul - 21/2/2012, 18:13
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