Valeriawingeter's Dedications

All my dedications for you Michael...

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  1. valeriawingeter

    User deleted

    Good evening my friend, how are you? Are you happy? Okay?

    I imginar your eyes awakening tenderness, and the look that passes such vibration. I do not care if it is fantasy or fact, just hear what my heart says.

    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

    I'm so homesick
    From its vibrant energy
    Spell the words
    seductively burning

    Contrast, two parts
    Kind of like, do water and soil
    Sometimes I want to heat, madness
    In others the warmth of the neck

    In this duality as clear
    Do not define the proportion
    Everything always skin deep
    As steals - the color sensation

    And when unspeakable
    Take care and seduces so subtle
    Boil my five senses
    Proportion of fantasy thousand.

    God Bless you my beautiful friend.

    :kissing: :kissing: :hug: :hug:



  2. valeriawingeter

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    my heart
    No direction
    Flying only by flying
    Not knowing where to get
    Dreaming of you find
    And the stars
    What I found today
    In his eyes
    The stars will guide me

    If I did not love you so much
    Perhaps lost dreams
    Inside of me
    And live in darkness
    If I did not love you so much
    Perhaps not see flowers
    Where I saw
    Inside my heart

    Today I know
    I loved you
    In the wind of a storm
    But I was more
    From the time Gale
    a kiss
    I never tasted the same
    And the stars give a signal

    Beijos e abraços, um lindo dia para voce.
  3. valeriawingeter

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    Good day my good friend, that this day is filled with much love, A big happy birthday, full of too much chocolate, and a mountain of jelly beans. May God follow his steps, illuminating their paths.
    And now every cake? To be able to sing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles?
    Be happy this is the most important. I love you and give you many hugs and kisses. [IMG]

    :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :love: :love: :love: :<3: :<3:
  4. valeriawingeter

    User deleted

    Hello my good friend, how are you? Sorry to miss ... but I hope all is well with you.
    U This is a poem by a writer I like a lot, her name is Cora Coralina, hope you enjoy.

    "Lovely little poem"

    This is a love poem
    so sweet, so tender, so your ...
    It is an offering to your moment
    of struggle and wind and sky ...
    And I,
    I want to serve poetry
    a shell blue sea
    or a basket of wild flowers.
    Maybe you can understand my love.
    But if not,
    does not matter.
    It is declared and printed
    lines and lines
    this little poem,
    the famous and unexpected verse
    will leave you amazed, surprised, bewildered ...
    I love you, forgive me, I love you ...Nothing makes sense that we live, if not touch people's hearts, thank you for touching my heart with his songs, poems, and his life.

    God bless you and your family always, love, wisdom, peace, better and sufficient.
    I love you from the abyss of my heart.

  5. valeriawingeter

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    Ola Michael, como esta, espero que esteja bem e com bastante vontade de voltar para nós

    Meu lindo amigo fique firme, estaremos aqui sempre para voce. Só não va se esquecer de nós.Que amamos voce com todas as nossas forças.

    Não sei se a vida é curta ou longa para nós, mas sei que nada do que vivemos tem sentido, se não tocarmos o coração das pessoas.
    Muitas vezes basta ser: colo que acolhe, braço que envolve, palavra que conforta, silencio que respeita, alegria que contagia, lágrima que corre, olhar que acaricia, desejo que sacia, amor que promove.
    E isso não é coisa de outro mundo, é o que dá sentido à vida. É o que faz com que ela não seja nem curta, nem longa demais, mas que seja intensa, verdadeira, pura enquanto durar. Feliz aquele que transfere o que sabe e aprende o que ensina.

    Este é um poema de amor
    tão meigo, tão terno, tão teu...
    É uma oferenda aos teus momentos
    de luta e de brisa e de céu...
    E eu,
    quero te servir a poesia
    numa concha azul do mar
    ou numa cesta de flores do campo.
    Talvez tu possas entender o meu amor.
    Mas se isso não acontecer,
    não importa.
    Já está declarado e estampado
    nas linhas e entrelinhas
    deste pequeno poema,
    o verso;
    o tão famoso e inesperado verso que
    te deixará pasmo, surpreso, perplexo...
    eu te amo, perdoa-me, eu te amo...

    gif sad-animated-animation-boy-smiley-emoticon-000346-design sad-animated-animation-boy-smiley-emoticon-000346-design hands37
  6. valeriawingeter

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    How Is My Love For You

    I have so much to tell you
    But I can not say with words
    How great is my love for you
    And there is nothing to compare
    In order to explain
    How great is my love for you

    Not even the sky or the stars
    Even the sea and the infinite
    Is not greater than my love, no more beautiful

    I despair to seek
    Any way to tell you
    How great is my love for you

    Never forget for even a second
    What I love most in the world
    How great is my love for you

    Never forget for even a second
    What I love most in the world
    How great is my love for you

    But how great is my love for you

  7. valeriawingeter

    User deleted

    I'm thinking of you today because it's Christmas, and I wish you happiness.
    And tomorrow, it will be the day after Christmas,
    I still wish you happiness.
    I may not be able to tell you about it every day,
    Because I may be missing, or we can be very busy.
    But it makes no difference
    - My thoughts and my wishes will be with you as well.
    Any joy or success you have, make me happy. I will light years across.
    I wish you the Spirit of Christmas.

    :miky: :kissing: :hug: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  8. valeriawingeter

    User deleted

    Hello my friend, how are you?

    Today I saw this video and hope you enjoy too, like classical ballet and also find it very special.
    I hope you are well and safe. Sorry to miss you.

    I love you with all my heart. Kisses to you and yours.

  9. valeriawingeter

    User deleted

    Hello my friend how are you?
    I think you'll like this video and the music is very beautiful.

    Kisses and arms in his heart.

    :kissing: :kissing: :kissing: :kissing: :hug: :hug: :hug: :love: :love:
  10. valeriawingeter

    User deleted

    Good morning my friend, you okay? Wishing you and your a Happy Easter. I love you. Kisses and hugs.

    On this Easter ...
    Open your HEART ...
    And let faith and love to make eternal dwelling.
    Easter makes me very happy and I'm sure nice
    that will always be together,
    as largely responsible for my happiness is you.
    I hope you always be happy.
    Since Easter is love,
    I want this love become stronger every year, every day.
    What our complicity can remain strong.
    May we continue believing in tomorrow,
    because the road is long and I'll be by your side.
    All we can do, I will happy to see you,
    Why I LOVE YOU.

    :hug: :kissing: :angellove:
  11. valeriawingeter

    User deleted


    Muitas saudades, mas já faz tanto tempo de espera... sem noticias e agora tudo isso acontecendo no fórum . As vezes acho que nunca mais...

    Mas seja do seito que for , seja feliz. Estaremos a qui para quando quiser... se um dia isso acontecer. Não creio que vá, mas estarei esperando . Beijos com muito amor em seu coração.

    (Não tenho visitado meus amigos no fórum porque houve muitas mudanças, e não consigo traduzir como antes, quando muda de pagina ou faz o login a tradução vai embora. Mas sinto muito a falta delas , amo a todas, muitos beijos em seus corações com muito carinho.)

25 replies since 5/8/2010, 21:08   379 views