25 GIUGNO 2014 (Lunga Vita al Re)

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  1. Wivvy

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    Michael Jackson: 15.607 rose sulla sua tomba

    Cinque anni dopo la morte di Michael Jackson, i suoi fan hanno deposto oggi 15.607 rose sulla sua tomba, nel cimitero di Forest Lawn a Glendale, vicino a Los Angeles.


    Cinque anni dopo la morte di Michael Jackson, i suoi fan hanno deposto oggi 15.607 rose sulla sua tomba, nel cimitero di Forest Lawn a Glendale, vicino a Los Angeles.

    Lo rende noto il gruppo "One Rose for Michael J. Jackson". Il mare di rose rosse è stato reso possibile grazie ad un'iniziativa online con donazioni da tutto il mondo. Il re del pop statunitense morì il 25 giugno del 2009 a 50 anni per un'overdose del narcotico Propofol. I fan hanno postato centinaia di foto del mausoleo con i fiori sul web. Inoltre, hanno sistemato sulla tomba tra le altre cose lettere, cartoline fatte a mano, palloncini.

    "Cinque anni senza di te, ti amiamo ancora di più Michael Jackson", era scritto in un poster a forma di cuore. Anche sulla "Walk of Fame" di Hollywood, la stella del cantante è stata adornata con candele, fiori e lettere. La Toya Jackson, 58 anni, ha dichiarato all'emittente ABC che in ricordo di suo fratello avevano in programma di ascoltare musica e guardare fotografie e video. "Se Michael fosse stato qui oggi, avrebbe detto a tutti noi di celebrare la sua vita, e non di lamentarci per la sua perdita", ha aggiunto La Toya.

    Fonte: www.musicalnews.com/articolo.php?codice=27933&sz=2

    Edited by ArcoIris - 10/4/2018, 16:50

    "The King of Pop"

    Los Angeles

    Traduzione della Prima parte di The Radical Notion of Michael Jackson’s Humanity

    La nozione radicale dell'Umanità di Michael Jackson

    di Tanner Colby

    Cinque anni dopo la sua morte, abbiamo fatto poco per conoscere l'uomo sotto la caricatura fatta dai tabloid

    Era una bella giornata estiva. Ed ero seduto nel mio ufficio, all'interno del mio appartamento a Brooklyn accanto a una finestra aperta quando i titoli dei giornali hanno cominciato ad apparire su Facebook. Prima, uno o due, poi un diluvio. Ben presto mi ritrovai a cliccare su iTunes, alla ricerca di quelle canzoni che non ascoltavo da tanto tempo. Ho continuato ad ascoltarle per tutto il pomeriggio. A giudicare dal rumore che arrivava dalle auto di passaggio e ben udibile a finestre aperte, tutti , stavano facendo la stessa cosa.

    Tutti ricordiamo dove eravamo cinque anni fa, quando abbiamo avuto la notizia che Michael Jackson era morto, ucciso da una dose letale di anestetico , un sinistro sistema che il cantante utilizzava per far fronte alla sua insonnia cronica. Eppure, nonostante lo struggersi globale di affetto e nostalgia, nessuno di noi conosceva davvero l'uomo per il quale eravamo tutti in lutto. Per il grande pubblico, soprattutto nei suoi ultimi anni, Jackson era diventato un'astrazione, non più una persona, ma un cartone animato creato dai tabloid: ". Wacko Jacko" Fra tutti i necrologi scritti in fretta, era difficile trovarne che riportassero argomenti di buon gusto a supporto della narrazione, e che non scendesse inevitabilmente nella speculazione sulla sua chirurgia plastica, i pettegolezzi sul suo comportamento eccentrico, e, inevitabilmente, le accuse di pedofilia che hanno sommerso ed infine distrutto la sua reputazione. Ogni minima lode era accompagnata come da un asterisco a margine. Nella migliore delle ipotesi, abbiamo pianto il giovane talento , ancora di colore, che era diventato un uomo distrutto, molto tragico. Noi non piangiamo l'uomo.

    Quando si tratta di Jackson oggi, stiamo ancora facendo del nostro meglio a compartimenti stagni. Abbiamo messo "Billie Jean" e "Thriller" in una scatola e la sua vita personale in un altra e facciamo del nostro meglio per non pensarci troppo. Ma due anni fa sono stato costretto a conciliare questa scissione. Bill Whitfield e Javon Beard, due uomini che avevano servito come squadra di sicurezza personale di Jackson negli ultimi due anni e mezzo della sua vita, mi chiesero di aiutarli a scrivere un libro su ultimi giorni di Jackson, riguardo al tempo che loro avevano trascorso con la sua famiglia dietro le mura della villa in affitto a Las Vegas, lontano dai riflettori della ribalta. Non è possibile scrivere una buona biografia di un'astrazione. Devi andare a cercare l'essere umano fra la leggenda e la disinformazione costruite nel corso dei decenni. L'empatia è d'obbligo, e l'empatia è la qualità che manca praticamente su tutto ciò che sia mai stato scritto su Michael Jackson. Lo glorifichiamo o lo diffamiamo o ne abbiamo pietà o giudichiamo il suo cambiare di aspetto e troviamo delle scuse circa l'odio della sua razza o genere, e questo è l'equivalente intellettuale di oggettivazione che troverete nei tabloid. Facciamo tutto questo, ma noi non cerchiamo di capirlo.

    L'idea di Michael Jackson come un essere umano rimane una nozione radicale. Ma durante il processo di scrittura del libro, ho imparato a conoscerlo. Attraverso gli occhi di Bill e Javon ho avuto modo di vedere l'uomo di tutti i giorni: Jackson che aiuta i suoi figli a fare i compiti, Jackson che gioca a basket e coinvolge le sue guardie del corpo in una partita a Horse . Il comportamento eccentrico era sempre eccentrico, naturalmente, ma a vederlo in un contesto personale,capisci che in realtà aveva un senso.Ho quindi capito il perchè delle scelte che ha fatto..

    Per quanto riguarda le accuse di molestie, dopo aver fatto alcune ricerche, ciò che mi ha sorpreso, non è stato solo il fatto che le accuse fossero completamente infondate , ma quanto lo fossero in modo assolutamentre ovvio e palese. La prima accusa, fatta contro di lui nel 1993, è stata smentita completamente da uno stupendo pezzo di giornalismo nel libro: The Untold Story That Brought Down a Superstar . La seconda accusa, fatta un decennio più tardi, è stata respinta da una giuria di suoi pari. Questi fatti sono alla portata di tutti, basta avere 5 minuti e una connessione Internet. Eppure i dubbi sulla sua innocenza persistono. Le storie di "Wacko Jacko" non sono scomparse.

    Il motivo per cui non lo sono è che Jackson era diverso. Le sue azioni erano fuori della norma. La gente ha bisogno di un contesto, un quadro, in cui poterlo incalanare, per capirlo. Le persone sono dei narratori. E 'la nostra natura modellare i fatti in un racconto. Il racconto su Jackson, guidato dai tabloid e adottato da quasi tutti, era quella di un genio bambino che si era trasformato in uno strambo e un mostro e, eventualmente, un criminale. Questa è l'unica storia che conosciamo, e ad oggi non c'è stata sufficiente narrativa in grado di smentirla. Le accuse contro di lui si sono dimostrate false, ma non sono state accompagnate da una verità soddisfacente. E questo è il problema. In assenza di una nuova verità, le persone restano liberi di dire quello che vogliono su di lui. A seconda di quale giorno della settimana è, Jackson è sia un pedofilo seriale che un-uomo infantile, in qualche modo verginale, entrambi.

    Michael Jackson merita un riassunto più onesto della sua vita. Merita che la sua storia venga raccontata in modo corretto. Se guardiamo indietro alla sua morte e ai cinque anni trascorsi, faremmo bene a riconsiderare tutto ciò che pensiamo di sapere su di lui. Prendiamo, per esempio, una delle affermazioni per la quale è sempre stato più schernito: "Io sono Peter Pan", una dichiarazione che fece durante il pessimo documentario del 2003 realizzato da Martin Bashir Living With Michael Jackson . Quando Jackson disse di essere Peter Pan, Bashir colse in questo l'opportunità di ritrarre il cantante come se fosse un malato mentale , portando così il mondo a pensare che Jackson si credeva un folletto capriccioso, che saltellava per Neverland in calzamaglia verde, spargendo polvere di fata ovunque, e che pertanto quel ragazzo doveva essere colpevole di qualcosa .

    Ma questo è un equivoco basato sulla nostra conoscenza del cartone animato Jackson e di quello di Peter Pan. Michael Jackson è stato, tra le altre cose, un lettore appassionato . Era capace di fare incursioni intorno alla mezzanotte nella libreria di Barnes & Noble , e capace di spendere sino a 5000 dollari in libri in un unica sera. Storia, arte, scienza, religione, filosofia e passava ore chiuso in casa divorando tutto quello che aveva a portata di mano. (Se tu fossi un insonne cronico e famoso che non ha sempre modo di poter lasciare la propria casa, devi leggere molto.) E Peter Pan era un pò un ossessione per Jackson che possedeva non solo il film del 1953 della Disney, ma anche il gioco originale e il libro, edizioni d'epoca che Jackson teneva nella sua biblioteca.

    Nel racconto originale di JM Barrie, Peter Pan è una creatura molto diversa. Incapace di crescere, intrappolato in un eterno presente. Vive senza conseguenze. Non ha memoria, e quindi nessuna comprensione del riflesso delle sue azioni sugli altri, nel senso che non è in grado di entrare in vera empatia con nessuno. Lui è solo. Non è un caso che la casa di Pan, Neverland, è un'isola tagliata fuori dalla realtà. Preso nella sua forma più letterale, Neverland è un luogo dove non si può mai riposare, ne fermarsi. E 'la stessa frenetica finzione della battaglia di pirati e indiani giocata più e più volte.

    (seguirà la seconda parte)

    Edited by valerie77 - 26/6/2014, 18:54

    "The King of Pop"

    Los Angeles


    The Radical Notion of Michael Jackson’s Humanity(Part 2)

    Peter Pan, like so many great children’s stories, is a dark and morbid piece of work. What do we mean when we say someone has “lost” a child? We mean that the child is dead. That’s what the Lost Boys are, children’s souls snatched from the prams of London, waylaid on their journey from this world to the next. And Pan’s outfit is not, in fact, a pair of snappy green tights. It’s a tunic “clad in skeleton leaves.” The symbolism is hard to miss. Neverland, the Lost Boys, Pan himself, they all represent a kind of death, because while it might seem fun and idyllic to remain a child forever, to never grow up is to already be dead. And even though Pan presents himself as a carefree, swashbuckling adventurer, late at night, once the games are over, he is plagued by nightmares, dreams that are “more painful than the dreams of other boys,” dreams that make him wail “piteously.” But the source of Pan’s nocturnal torment is a mystery; no one understands what causes it, and no one can make it go away.


    When Michael Jackson told us that he was Peter Pan, I don’t think he was telling us that he wanted to be a cartoon. The tragedy of the false allegations against him is that they obscured the very real problems we should have been paying attention to. During his trial, a stream of witnesses testified that Jackson had never done anything inappropriate to them. That they were just friends. I would argue that Jackson’s relationships with children, far from being scandalous, are actually quite boring. Unusual at first glance, yes, but ultimately nothing more than movie nights and trips to amusement parks and other mundane goings-on. Jackson’s relationships with children are more notable for what they tell us about his relationships with adults, or the lack thereof. That’s what’s truly interesting about the man.

    From the time he was 10 years old, Jackson was indentured to the entertainment industry. Almost every relationship he knew was transactional. To his record company he was a product. To his family he was a meal ticket. Almost everyone in his orbit was drawing a paycheck, and when the paychecks stopped, they often stopped coming around. “I’ve met a lot of people in my life,” Jackson once said, “and very few are real, real friends. I can probably count them on one hand.” And by the end even those people, the Elizabeth Taylors and the Chris Tuckers, were only around in a superficial way, dropping by for a few hours here and there. As Bill and Javon aptly put it, “There were plenty of people coming through Michael Jackson’s life, but there was nobody in his life.”

    Jackson bears some responsibility for his own isolation. As a result of a lifetime of being used, he himself was incapable of the kind of reciprocal sharing and trust that meaningful relationships necessarily entail. The man bemoaned his solitude in song after song, yet he was notorious for icing the very relationships he desperately wanted. Jackson could be unfailingly kind and generous to people, but that ostensible sweetness masked a deeper inability to relate. He’d grown up as the center of his own universe, in a world where everyone catered to him. When relationships grew messy or demanding, he would just shut them down. By the time he moved to Vegas, Jackson had distanced himself from all of his famous siblings. (Yes, even Janet.) Jackson’s two marriages, to Lisa Marie Presley and Debbie Rowe, are also good examples. Like everything else in Jackson’s life, those relationships were the subject of endless and generally tasteless speculation. But we needn’t speculate about the nature of the marriages to note the one obvious thing about them: They didn’t last very long. Even if they were the arrangements people alleged them to be, they weren’t even successful on that level.

    Jackson took refuge in the world of children because it was the only place he felt safe. Children, he often said, “don’t want anything from you.” In fact, outside of the recording studio, only three relationships served as constants in Jackson’s world: his relationship with his mother, his relationship with his fans, and his relationship with children. These relationships all share one thing in common: They’re easy. A mother’s love is unconditional. The devotion of a fan, even more so. And who among us is immune to the wide-eyed adoration of a child? These types of love, though a joy to receive, require little effort. They don’t challenge the recipient. And eventually, they become debilitating. Too much mothering and too much hero-worship stranded Jackson right where he was, left him unwilling and unable to change.

    It’s admirable that Jackson’s hard-core fans never rushed to judge him the way the general public did, but the adoration of fans and children alone cannot fill the role of a spouse or a partner or true friend. Those are the relationships that force us to be our best selves. In all the obsession over whom Michael Jackson slept with, rarely have we stopped to ask: Whom did Michael Jackson connect with? Whom did Michael Jackson love with a mature and rigorous kind of love, and who ever gave Michael Jackson that kind of love in return? No one. Once the stage lights dimmed, he was amazingly, astoundingly alone—and not just alone, but utterly lacking in the possibility of ever being otherwise.

    The one bright spot in Jackson’s final days was his three children. He was the best and most loving father he knew how to be. But he was also, by his own admission, an incomplete father. He couldn’t do all the things a father is supposed to do. There were moments in their lives that he was unable to share, things that the rest of us would take for granted. Driving past a public park in Virginia one time, the kids spied a playground and begged their father to stop and come and play with them. But Jackson couldn’t risk being photographed with his own children, exposing their identities to the paparazzi. So he waited in the car, watching from behind tinted windows as the bodyguards took the kids across the street to enjoy the moment that should have been his. That problem was only going to get worse as they grew older. What was going to happen when those kids grew too old for masks and code names? What was going to happen when, like all adolescents, they began to reject the world Jackson had made for them?

    Peter Pan does not have a happy ending, at least not for Pan himself. The Darling children grow homesick, and they beg Peter to fly them home, which he does. The children return to their nursery, their overjoyed parents rush in to hug them tight and welcome them back, and Pan is left outside, looking in, unable to share in the family’s warm embrace. “He had ecstasies innumerable that other children can never know,” Barrie wrote, “but he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be forever barred.”

    Ecstasies innumerable, yet denied the simple joys of being human. Seems a pretty astute description of life inside Jackson’s gilded cage. Maybe the guy on TV calling himself Peter Pan wasn’t the crazy one. The biggest difference I can see between Michael Jackson and Peter Pan was that Pan had no memory of what caused the nightmares that afflicted him. Jackson knew all too well why he couldn’t sleep at night, which is why he looked to the syringe and the pill bottle to try and make it to morning.

    Michael Jackson made a lot of unhealthy choices in an effort to cope with the burdens he carried, but we shouldn’t judge those choices without a diligent and sincere effort to understand why he made them. Last year the late King of Pop topped Forbes’ list of highest-earning celebrities, easily besting his closest living competitor, Madonna, by a good $35 million. That feat was made possible by a massive overhaul of his debt-ridden estate, which has been transformed into a wildly profitable, billion-dollar enterprise. If that much effort can be made to refurbish his professional legacy, it would be a crime if we did any less for his personal one. Michael Jackson ought to have his story reconsidered. The man led an extraordinary and extraordinarily difficult life. He deserves an epitaph that doesn’t have an asterisk next to it.


    Edited by ArcoIris - 10/4/2018, 16:52

    "The King of Pop"

    Los Angeles


    La nozione radicale dell'umanità di Michael Jackson ( parte 2)

    Peter Pan , come molte delle grandi storie per bambini, è un racconto oscuro e morboso . Che cosa intendiamo quando diciamo che qualcuno ha "perso" un figlio? Vogliamo dire che il bambino è morto. Questo è quello che sono i Lost Boys , le anime dei bambini strappati dalle carrozzine di Londra, che vivono in agguato fra questo mondo e il prossimo. E il vestito di Pan non è, infatti, fatto di un paio di collant verdi. Ma è una tunica "fatta di foglie morte." Difficile non coglierne il simbolismo. Neverland, i Lost Boys, Pan stesso, tutti rappresentano una sorta di morte, perché mentre può sembrare divertente e idilliaco rimanere un bambino per sempre, il fatto di non crescere significa che sei già morto. E anche se Pan si presenta come uno spensierato spavaldo avventuriero, a tarda notte, quando il tempo di giocare è finito, lui è tormentato da incubi, sogni che sono "molto più dolorosi dei sogni di ogni altro ragazzo", sogni che lo fanno piangere . "Ma la fonte del tormento notturno di Pan è un mistero; nessuno capisce quello che gli succede, e nessuno può aiutarlo.

    Quando Michael Jackson ci ha detto di essere Peter Pan, non credo volesse dirci di essere un cartone animato. La vera tragedia delle false accuse contro di lui è che oscuravano i suoi reali problemi, ai quali, invece, avremmo dovuto prestare attenzione. Durante il processo, un marea di testimoni dichiararono che Jackson non aveva mai fatto nulla di inappropriato con loro, e che erano solo amici. Direi che i rapporti di Jackson con i bambini, erano ben lungi dall'essere scandalosi, quanto in realtà piuttosto noiosi. Insoliti a prima vista, sì, ma alla fine niente di più che serate di cinema e gite ai parchi giochi e altri viavai mondani. I rapporti di Jackson con i bambini sono più degni di nota per quello che ci dicono circa i suoi rapporti con gli adulti, o la loro mancanza. Questo è ciò che è veramente interessante dell'uomo.

    Da quando aveva 10 anni, Jackson è stato un contratto per l'industria dello spettacolo. Quasi ogni suo rapporto, era una transazione. Per la sua casa discografica era un prodotto. Per la sua famiglia era un buono pasto. Quasi tutti nella sua orbita , erano li per uno stipendio, e quando non c'era più niente da prendere, spesso smettevano di girargli intorno. "Ho incontrato un sacco di persone nella mia vita," disse Jackson una volta, "e molti pochi reali, veri amici. Posso probabilmente contarli sulle dita di una mano. "E alla fine anche quelle persone, Elizabeth Taylor e Chris Tucker, erano li ma ogni tanto, per qualche ora di evasione qua e la. Come Bill e Javon giustamente dicono, " Un sacco di persone hanno attraversato la vita di Michael Jackson, ma non c'era nessuno nella sua vita. "

    Jackson ha una certa responsabilità nel proprio isolamento. Come risultato di una vita da oggetto, era incapace di qualsiasi scambio reciproco e basato solo sulla fiducia che di norma le relazioni significative necessariamente comportano. L'uomo parlava della sua solitudine, canzone dopo canzone , eppure era noto per aver interrotto numerose di quelle stesse relazioni che voleva disperatamente. Jackson è stato immancabilmente gentile e generoso con le persone, ma quella dolcezza apparente mascherava una profonda incapacità di relazionarsi. Era cresciuto come il centro del suo universo, in un mondo in cui ognuno si adattava a lui. Quando i rapporti crescevano si evolvevano con le esigenze necessarie a, lui semplicemente si chiudeva in se stesso. Trasferitosi a Las Vegas, Jackson si era allontanato da tutti i suoi fratelli. (Sì, anche Janet.) I due celebri matrimoni di Jackson, con Lisa Marie Presley e Debbie Rowe, sono anche buoni esempi. Come per tutto il resto nella vita di Jackson, quei rapporti sono stati oggetto di infinite speculazioni . Ma non abbiamo bisogno di speculare sulla natura dei matrimoni per notare una cosa ovvia: che non sono durati a lungo. Anche se fosse stato per le motivazioni che la gente ha dedotto , non hanno funzionato.

    Jackson si rifugiava nel mondo dei bambini, perché era l'unico posto dove si sentiva al sicuro. I bambini, diceva spesso, "non vogliono niente da te." In effetti, al di fuori dello studio di registrazione, solo tre relazioni sono state costanti nel mondo di Jackson: il suo rapporto con la madre, il suo rapporto con i suoi fan, e il suo rapporto con i bambini. Queste relazioni hanno tutte una cosa in comune: Sono facili. L'amore di una madre è incondizionato. La devozione di un fan, ancora di più. E chi di noi è immune all'adorazione negli occhi spalancati di un bambino? Questi tipi di amore, con la gioia di ricevere, richiedono poco sforzo. Non mettono in discussione il destinatario(dell'amore). E alla fine, diventano deleterie. Perchè, essendo troppo materne, o troppo legate al culto della star, hanno tenuto Jackson, proprio dove si trovava, rendendo lui poco disponibile e incapace di cambiare.

    E 'ammirevole come i fan di Jackson si appassionino nella sua difesa senza alcun giudizio, ma l'adorazione dei fans e dei bambini da soli, non possono ricoprire il ruolo di un coniuge o un partner o un vero amico. Questi sono i rapporti che ci costringono ad essere il meglio di noi stessi. In tutta l'ossessione nel chiederci con chi dormisse Michael Jackson , raramente abbiamo smesso di chiederci: con chi ha avuto una relazione Michael Jackson ? Con chi Michael Jackson ha avuto una forma di amore maturo, e chi mai ha ricambiato Michael Jackson di quello stesso tipo di amore? Nessuno. Una volta che le luci del palcoscenico si spegnevano, era incredibilmente, incredibilmente solo, e non solo nel senso di vivere da solo, ma assolutamente privo di qualsiasi possibilità di essere diversamente.

    L'unico punto luminoso negli ultimi anni della vita di Jackson erano i suoi tre figli. Era il padre migliore e più amorevole che ci possa mai essere. Ma era anche, per sua stessa ammissione, un padre incompleto. Non poteva fare tutte le cose che un padre dovrebbe fare. Ci sono stati momenti della loro vita, che lui non poteva condividere con loro, cose che il resto di noi avrebbe dato per scontato. Passarono davanti ad un parco pubblico in Virginia una volta, i bambini videro il parco e gli chiesero di fermare l'auto e di andare a giocare con loro . Ma Jackson non poteva rischiare di farsi fotografare con i propri figli, esponendo le loro identità ai paparazzi. Così ha aspettato in macchina, guardando dai vetri oscurati, mentre le guardie del corpo accompagnavano i suoi figli a godere di un momento che avrebbe dovuto essere suo. E questi tipi di problemi non hanno fatto che peggiorare man mano che crescevano. Che cosa sarebbe accaduto quando quei bambini fossero diventati troppo grandi per mettersi le maschere e darsi nomi in codice? Che cosa sarebbe accaduto, quando, come tutti gli adolescenti, avrebbero cominciato a rifiutare quel Mondo che Jackson aveva costruito per loro?

    Peter Pan non ha un lieto fine, almeno non per lo stesso Pan. I bambini crescono e hanno nostalgia di casa, e pregano Peter di riportarli a casa, cosa che lui fa. I bambini ritornano al loro nido, i genitori felicissimi si precipitano per abbracciarli e dare loro il bentornato, e Pan è lasciato fuori, a guardare, incapace di condividere il caldo abbraccio di una famiglia. "Aveva avuto la possibilità di vivere un estasi che gli altri bambini non avrebbero mai potuto conoscere»scrive Barrie "ma stava guardando attraverso la finestra quella gioia che a lui sarebbe stata negata per sempre".

    Moltissime estasi, che gli hanno negato le semplici gioie di ogni essere umano. Sembra una descrizione abbastanza astuta della vita dentro la gabbia dorata di Jackson. Forse il tizio in tv che si faceva chiamare Peter Pan non era il pazzo. La differenza più grande che posso vedere tra Michael Jackson e Peter Pan, è che Pan non aveva alcun ricordo di ciò che causava gli incubi che lo affliggevano . Jackson invece lo sapeva sin troppo bene, perché non riusciva a dormire la notte, motivo per cui si è rivolto alla siringa e ai farmaci per arrivare al mattino.

    Michael Jackson ha fatto un sacco di scelte non salutari, nel tentativo di far fronte agli oneri che portava, ma non dobbiamo giudicare queste scelte senza uno sforzo diligente e sincero per capire perchè le ha fatte. L'anno scorso il defunto Re del Pop ha superato qualsiasi star, nella lista di Forbes delle celebrità più ricche,superando il secondo, Madonna, di un buon 35 milioni di dollari. Tale impresa è stata resa possibile grazie all'operato dell'Estate che ha rinegoziato i debiti, trasformando il suo impero in un impresa da miliardi di dollari. Se è stato possibile fare numerosi sforzi per risollevare la sua eredità professionale, sarebbe un delitto non fare la stessa cosa su quella personale. Michael Jackson merita che la su storia venga riqualificata. L'uomo che condusse una vita straordinaria e straordinariamente difficile, si merita un epitaffio senza alcun asterisco accanto.

    Edited by valerie77 - 26/6/2014, 21:37
  5. MJ-Beautiful soul

    User deleted

    MICHAEL’S “ADDICTION” or Who Needs Enemies With Friends Like These?

    by Vindicatemj (Helena)

    Five years after Michael Jackson’s death the most painful thing the media and public say about him is not even the allegations about ‘boys’ – this will slowly fade away with every new book telling us what a big kid Michael himself was – but a lie that Michael was a drug-addict.

    He was not. There was a time when he did get addicted to Demerol – in 1993 when he went to a rehab and in the 2000s when he relapsed due the bridge fall and other circumstances – but both times he managed to overcome the habit, and even though technically he could be called an addict he was definitely a recovered one.

    However MJ’s drug-addiction is still propagated by too many people including his family and this is where it hurts most. The public is inclined to think that if the family holds to this opinion then who should know better than they do?

    The Jacksons were indeed always ready to ‘save’ Michael from addiction, but their problem was that they had too little contact with Michael and the majority of them didn’t see him for years, and as the AEG trial showed none of them actually knew what exactly Michael was to be saved from.

    All of it was mostly rumors, gossip, hearsay and media spin. They seemed to be constantly under the impression that the Demerol thing was still going on and in the absence of true information were hanging on every wild story told by the media and “well-wishers”.

    The recent book by Michael’s bodyguards (“Remembering the time: Protecting Michael Jackson in his final days”) says that Joe Jackson who hadn’t seen his son for several years greeted one of them with the words “You’re probably one of those putting needles in my son’s arm”.

    And this was said at a time when Michael had just come from Ireland and was clean as a whistle! This episode alone tells us all we need to know about how little Joe and the family knew of the real Michael and how poor their opinion of him was. And even though their actions were prompted by genuine concern for his well-being there may be still little excuse for an ignorance like that.

    But the most outrageous family spokesman trumpeting about Michael’s “addiction” is actually not a member of the family, but a certain Terry Harvey who presents himself as an insider and close family friend and who repeatedly makes his appearance in the media to tell horrendous stories about Michael.


    His previous performance was in the Autopsy program made by the UK Channel 5 and recently rebroadcast in the US. Over there Terry Harvey starred together with Conrad Murray and Michael’s worst detractor James Desborough (the one who invented a series about fake FBI files).

    And the most recent event (which triggered off this post) occurred only a couple of days ago when he again spoke on behalf of the family in an article about Prince Jackson. The boy looked very nice there, shared his plans for the future and said that they were still having a tough time without their father who was the best father anyone could have.

    Of course it is very tough for them and of course Michael was the best.


    In the photo Prince looks slimmer and not in the least like Michael, but his two fingers in a V-sign strike you as the exact replica of Michael’s fingers held in the same gesture. This was actually the first thing I noticed and it was amazing.

    In short everything would be fine about that article if only it didn’t introduce Terry Harvey as a close friend of the Jackson family and he didn’t go again into his old mantra about Michael being a drug addict.

    Considering that Terry Harvey knows of Michael even less than the family as he met Michael just several times in the spring of 2009 it’s high time everyone understood that his repeated stories about Michael are fictional and are simply a chance to make loud publicity for himself.

    If it were not for the aura of being a ‘Jacksons’ close friend’ no one would ever care about Terry Harvey and what this disgrace of a man thinks about MJ, but since he is evidently a friend of Joe Jackson he is making extensive use of his association to speak about things he has absolutely no idea of.

    Here is the article about Prince Jackson and Terry Harvey also finding his way into the story:

    He was the best father anybody could have’ Prince Jackson opens up about dad Michael

    IT’S been five years since Michael Jackson passed away, but his son Prince has admitted that it’s still tough for the famous family.

    By: Kirsty McCormack

    Published: Sun, June 22, 2014

    The 17-year-old, who has entered the limelight since his father’s death, revealed it was still “tough” coping with the loss and told how the last thing he and Michael had planned was a trip to London.

    Speaking to The Sun on Sunday, Prince said: “My dad always said he loved London.

    “He really wanted to go there and show what he could do. He was looking forward to showing us around.”

    The King of Pop was scheduled to play several dates at London’s O2 Arena, but sadly he died of a cardiac arrest on June 25, 2009 – three weeks before the tour was due to begin.

    “It’s tough. This will be the fifth anniversary of his death. Yeah… yeah,” Prince added.

    “He was the best father anybody could have. He raised us the right way and there is nothing anyone can do to make us forget about him.

    “He was always concerned about humanity. He helped many charities. In his songs his message was simple — love. We will continue to spread his message.”

    Prince’s life nowadays is worlds away from how he lived when his father was alive – especially as the superstar used to hide Prince’s face behind a mask, along with his other two children Paris and Prince Michael “Blanket” Jackson II.

    The teenager has not only found work as a TV presenter but he’s also acted in US TV show ’90210′ and attends several celebrity events.Prince and Paris, pictured here as children, are still coping with their grief five years on [SPLASH]

    Speaking at the after party of the US premiere of ‘True Blood’ in Los Angeles this week, he said: “I don’t expect to walk into roles because of who I am. I want to learn my craft.

    “My plan is to work for TV companies, doing what I did for Entertainment Tonight,” he added.

    “I had such great fun working for that show and doing interviews. I learned a lot. The feedback I got was really great, too. I want to get more experience.”

    The youngster hopes to direct films one day, but is keen to do more acting before taking on that role.

    “We all love movies and I would like to be a director one day. But to be a good director you have to know how an actor works and feels on set,” he explained.

    “I want to learn my craft and experience being in TV shows and possibly movies before I even consider going behind the camera.

    “It is not a job to be taken lightly. You need to put your time in to learning something properly before overseeing others.”

    Meanwhile, his 16-year-old Paris isn’t looking for a job in the industry and is currently recovering following a suicide attempt.

    Close family friend Terry Harvey

    — who worked alongside the Jacksons for many years — revealed to the newspaper that the family’s trauma is still very raw.

    “Paris was her daddy’s princess,” he said. “They had a special relationship which was torn apart. She saw her father’s dead body — it still gives her nightmares.

    “That is the type of trauma a young girl never recovers from. It is five years ago but to most of the family it still feels like it happened yesterday.”

    Paris – who tried to take her own life last summer – has been attending a private boarding school in Utah after being admitted to hospital.

    According to family friends, she has recovered well in recent months, but Terry says Michael’s physician, Conrad Murray, is to blame.

    Conrad was convicted of involuntary man-slaughter in November 2011, but spent just two years in prison.

    “Conrad Murray has a lot to answer for,” Terry stated. “He has wrecked so many lives and yet the family and I agree he has shown no remorse, only self-pity. That family has been through hell because of that man.

    “He even tried to get Prince and Paris to testify for him in the criminal trial, thinking they supported him. What monster would do that?”

    Terry added that he had tried to encourage Michael to go to rehab before his London shows.

    "He needed rehab,

    not London shows, and a year getting healthier and off

    those crazy drugs",

    he said.

    "His father Joe and I were telling people that Michael needed to go to rehab and not on tour. We were trying to save Michael Jackson".

    Let me ask a question - which “crazy drugs”? There was no Demerol or any other narcotics in Michael’s system and the only ones he had were Propofol which was never used by Michael outside performances and was given to him by a doctor, and Lorazepam, a benzodiazepine which was fed to Michael by Murray almost by force. He said it himself that Michael didn’t like it because it was ineffective for his insomnia.

    Propofol does not form an addiction and can be stopped at any minute without producing any consequences for the patient, while Lorazepam is addictive and according to some medical experts Michael did grow dependent on it, however Lorazepam was the drug of Murray’s choice and therefore any dependency on it should be his fault and none of Michael’s.

    What else was found in Michael’s system? Nothing of importance – no narcotics for sure. However back in 2009 our friend Terry Harvey in cooperation with James Desborough who was working for the News of the World at that time came up with a totally crazy story about the reasons for Michael’s death and cited a ridiculous number of narcotics allegedly found in Michael’s home and in his body.

    Remember how at the time of Michael’s death the media went absolutely wild with allegations about a whole assortment of narcotic drugs Michael allegedly died of? If you read Terry Harvey’s story you will know who was one of the first to trigger off that hysteria.

    Most of the articles of that period are no longer available however I did find some (translated into other languages). The one below was Google translated into English from Vietnamese but originally it comes from a US source. The Google translation had its imperfections of course, and this is why the story was shortened, but the imperfection of text can be very well compensated for by the photos. Oh, these photos

    The story is attributed to Terry Harvey who gave an interview to the News of the World on July 19, 2009:


    Terry Harvey: “Michael was poisoned

    Monday, 20/07/2009 11:14 AM (GMT +7)

    According to the News of the World, the autopsy report shows that Michael was murdered.

    Police told Michael’s family that their investigation will focus on one or several people who took care of Michael’s treatment in his final days. In the near future a criminal trial will be open to hear who is responsible for Michael’s death.

    This means the doctor who was treating and caring for Michael will be included in the list for the investigation. Police are conducting an investigation in order to quickly find the guys who injected high doses of pain medication into Michael’s body.

    Last week, La Toya Jackson – Michael’s sister said to the News of the World that she knows who killed her brother. And the amazing thing is yesterday, 19/7, Terry Harvey – a longtime friend of the Jackson family also gave an exclusive interview to the News of the World.

    Terry said: “According to the survey results Michael died from an overdose of painkiller Diprivan and many other poisonous drugs. The investigators found very much of the drug in his stomach. The body of Michael had a lot of scars from injections “.

    “The authorities told the family that these drugs are the cause of Michael’s death. The police notified Michael’s family that they are coordinating their investigation with the Drug Enforcement Administration.”Google screen shot about drugs allegedly found in MJ's home 2

    Terry said: “I could see that Joe was prepared to file a lawsuit against anyone who is believed to have caused the death of his son.”

    Terry added: “Michael was in the habit of taking drugs for a long time”

    For those who cannot read the text in the picture let me dechiper the top No. 5 section of it. It is preceded by a notice:

    “These drugs were found at Jacko’s home. They are ranked by their potency – with 5 the strongest.

    METHADONE. Synthetic morphine weans off junkies off heroin.

    DEMEROL. Narcotic pain relief injected into Jackson.

    PROPOROL. Anesthetic should only be used in hospital.

    FENTANYL. Pain relief usually for terminal cancer patients.

    OXYCONTIN. Branded “Hillibilly Heroin” after it killed 300 in US.

    DILAUDID. Painkiller used after surgery adn for cancer pain”.

    Shall I remind those who missed the whole story that NONE of these drugs were found in Michael’s home (except Propofol of course)? There were no narcotics whatsoever – neither in his home, nor in his system.

    Of course there is always a chance that the crazy drugs in the list were not named by Terry Harvey and were added to the story by the tabloids which are always ready to embellish the story.

    However a month prior to that, immediately after Michael’s death crazy rumors about a huge assortment of narcotics in Michael’s home were circulating all over the media and this information was claimed to have also come from a close “friend” of the family.

    One of the stories goes back to June 28, 2009 and says that a “close member” of the Jackson family said that Michael allegedly received a daily shot of Oxycontin and Demerol and that it was an injection of Demerol that sent him into a cardiac arrest which half an hour later led to his death.

    The source was not named however Stacy Brown was mentioned in connection with the family “concerns about his use of painkillers, especially Demerol” of which he allegedly received “one injection per day always administered by a doctor”.

    None of it was true of course.


    Singer’s medical history a blur, says biographer

    Jun 28, 2009, 03.40am IST

    LOS ANGELES: Michael Jackson had a long and intricate history of health problems, say people who knew him but it has always been difficult to separate the rumours from his medical history.

    ”It’s always been a subject of confusion,” said J Randy Taraborrelli, a Jackson biographer who knew him for 40 years. ”His doctors have generally not betrayed him, so there is no way to be conclusive about this kind of information.”
    A celebrity website citing an interview with an unidentified ”close member” of the Jackson family, reported the entertainer was injected with Demerol about half an hour before he went into cardiac arrest.

    A senior law enforcement official told a news channel that Jackson was ”heavily addicted” to the painkiller Oxycontin and was injected daily with that medication, along with Demerol.

    Stacy Brown, co-author of the 2005 book, ‘Michael Jackson: the Man Behind the Mask’, said the singer’s family had been very concerned recently about his use of painkillers, especially Demerol that had been one of the concerns for a long time. He said Jackson was receiving one injection per day, always administered by a doctor.

    The fraudulent story about “Demerol injected half an hour before he went into cardiac arrest” was widely circulated in the press and the media claimed that it were some “Jackson’s aides” who allegedly told the story to the emergency room staff at the hospital:


    Michael Jackson death caused by a Demerol shot?

    June 26, 2009

    New reports are in that say Michael Jackson may have died from a Demerol overdose. Many news agencies and websites are reporting that Michael Jackson died from receiving an overdose of Demerol. Toxicology results will take 4 to 6 weeks to confirm cause of death.

    The Sun reports an Emergency Room source at UCLA hospital said Jackson aidestold medics he had collapsed after an injection of potent Demerol. A Michael Jackson source said: “Shortly after taking the Demerol he started to experience slow shallow breathing. His breathing gradually got slower and slower until it stopped.”

    The Jackson family also reportedly believes Michael may have died from Demerol. A close member of Michael Jackson’s family has told TMZ that Jackson received a daily injection of a synthetic narcotic similar to morphine, Demerol, and yesterday he received a shot at 11:30 AM. Shortly after the Demerol shot was given 911 was called.

    Attempts were made by Michael Jackson’s personal Doctor, Dr.Conrad Murray, to save Jackson’s life before paramedics arrived. The paramedics tried to revive Jackson but were unsuccessful. Jackson was rushed to UCLA Medical Center where additional attempts were made to save his life. Michael Jackson never regained consciousness. He was pronounced dead at 2:26 on June 25th, 2009.

    6/26/2009 10:56 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

    A close member of Michael Jackson’s family has told us Jackson received a daily injection of a synthetic narcotic similar to morphine – Demerol – and yesterday he received a shot at 11:30 AM.

    Family members are saying the dosage was “too much” and that’s what caused his death.

    Putting two and two together we realize that out of the two possible liars this particular lie was told by Stacy Brown. This doesn’t surprise us in the least as we have long known him to be an unscrupulous and cynical crook – since the time he and Bob Jones wrote their fictional book about Michael.

    However Terry Harvey is not any better. About a month after Michael’s death, on July 19, 2009 when James Desborough published his News of the World article admitting that the autopsy report revealed no narcotics in Michael’s system, Terry Harvey named by the article a “close friend of the family” called Michael a “junkie who is no different to a drug addict living in a crack house”.

    Considering that the autopsy showed no trace of narcotics the article was more restrained than the previous hysterical stuff but Terry Harvey nevertheless called Diprivan/Propofol a “a heavy-duty painkiller” (though it isn’t), Vistaril, an anti-allergic drug for treating rash and itching was called “a daily injection of a painkiller” and Prilosec prescribed for heartburn/stomach ulcers was included into a sinister “cocktail of pills” together with some anti-depressants.

    Calling Michael a “junkie who is no different to a drug addict living in a crack house” on the basis of this is a most outrageous lie – none of these medicines are even remotely close to narcotics and all of them, except Propofol, may be found in the homes of any of us.

    I doubt that Terry Harvey is unaware of the fact that there is nothing wrong with those pills, so the only other option is that his goal was to deliberately smear Michael’s name. This was done evidently in the hope that an average reader would be too lazy to look up the names of the pills and would believe the term “junkie” in respect of Michael without double checking.

    Let me ask a question at this point – if Terry Harvey is a “close friend” of the Jackson family who needs enemies with friends like these?

    Here is the shortened variant of James Desborough/Terry Harvey’s story:


    Michael Jackson’s death to lead to murder charges within days!

    By James Deasborough

    July 19th, 2009

    News Of The World WWW.NOTW.CO.UK

    THE death of Michael Jackson is to become a MURDER investigation, the News of the World can reveal.

    An autopsy on the superstar has shown he died from an injected overdose of heavy-duty painkiller Diprivan.

    Police have told his family they will press charges against one or more people within DAYS and there will be a criminal TRIAL.

    It could involve whoever administered the injection and anyone who made it available to the star.

    Last week La Toya Jackson told the News of the World she knew who had murdered her brother.

    Yesterday’s astonishing development was revealed by Terry Harvey, a long-time friend of the Jackson family, in an exclusive interview with us.

    Terry said: “The autopsy shows that Michael died of a drug overdose with Diprivan and a range of pills in his stomach. He had needle marks on his neck and all over his body.

    “The family are working with the DEA and Los Angeles Police Department to work out which doctor prescribed Michael these drugs and how far back this serious problem runs.

    Respected music promoter Terry, currently working with girlband TLC, said:

    “The family is speaking about whether there is enough evidence to take a private lawsuit against the promoters or the doctors involved.

    “Once the criminal charges are announced, the family will file for a wrongful death lawsuit.

    “Joe Jackson has made no secret of his efforts to step in to get Michael to rehab while he prepared for his London shows. The question is how much did the concert organisers know about his drug problems and who was feeding him the drugs?

    “I can see Joe filing a lawsuit against anyone who is found to have caused fatal harm to his beloved son.

    “He and the rest of the family are serious about getting to the bottom of his son’s death and insists it’s foul play. It’s no secret that AEG appointed a doctor to look after Michael’s welfare.”

    Terry is also the first member of Jackson’s inner-circle to confirm the star’s horrendous, long-term addiction to prescription drugs.

    He said Jacko died a JUNKIE thanks to daily injections of Diprivan (or Propofol) and another painkiller Vistaril, plus swallowing a cocktail of pills including anxiety drug Xanax, anti-depressants Prozac and Zoloft and anti-indigestion drug Prilosec.

    Terry added: “Michael had a long-term drug habit. He was no different to a drug addict living in a crack house.What he wanted was served up to him.
    He didn’t go to the stores to get his fix, it was brought to him. He started in 1984 after he got burned filming that Pepsi advert. But in recent years it spiralled out of control and he was even self-injecting.

    “By the end he knew how to administer these drugs himself as he had so much medical knowledge. Now he’s dead everyone is washing their hands of it. I don’t believe that Michael injected himself in the neck though.

    “The jury is out on everyone in his inner circle. I believe some of them actually got him drugs. These people should be thrown into jail.”

    Terry, who is friends with Joe Jackson and Michael’s brother Tito, got close to the star’s aides in his final days after agreeing to promote a one-off Jackson 5 reunion in 2010.And he is adamant that Michael needed to go to rehab before returning to the stage in London this month and begged 50-year-old Jacko’s associates to let him step in.

    Terry, 49, said: “I toldthem Michael had a drug problem. I said we need to ‘get him off the junk’.

    “They said my concerns were meritless and changed the subject. I didn’t hear a word afterwards.”

    Terry told how Jacko’s dad tried to get Michael to go to rehab in March.

    He said: “Joe wanted to get his son cleaned up as he was so keen to do the family show deal for 2010.

    “He knew he wasn’t ready for these summer shows in London. Joe called him on the phone and said to Michael, ‘Let’s get it together. Let us help you and clean the house’. Michael said ‘OK’ to appease his dad but he didn’t even take his words in.

    By that stage he was an addict.

    “He still thought he was the biggest star in the world. He did what he wanted. He felt he wasn’t ready to go.

    “Joe went to the house at least three times to intervene, but couldn’t get through to his son.”

    Concerned Terry even offered to take care of Jacko. He said: “I begged Joe to get me into the house. I wanted to fight off all the enablers and keep them away.

    “We had suspicions who was getting him prescription pills, but it was important to stop it first and deal with them later.

    “MJ needed to be looked after one-on-one. Aside from the drugs Michael knew that these shows were too much for him.

    He needed the money, but it was all too much too soon. I knew in his heart he didn’t want to and more importantly couldn’t do these shows.”

    Terry told how Jacko called him after the O2 shows were announced.

    He said: “Michael came on the phone and said, ‘I only signed up for 10 shows. I didn’t sign for 50. You are gonna have to rearrange the schedule to two shows a week.’ Michael could only do two shows a week due to the strain on his voice let alone the physical stress of doing two hours on stage.”

    Two weeks ago AEG boss Randy Phillips told the News Of The World Jacko was lazy and had turned up for just two weeks of the four months of rehearsals.

    But Terry said: “The TV has been showing clips of his rehearsals and from what I can see Michael wasn’t even singing live.

    “He was struggling with his dance moves. I was told he had his vocals sequenced on stage so if he didn’t want to sing live they just switched on the tape.”

    Days before his death Jackson postponed his 02 debut from July 8 to July 13 blaming the “size and scope” of the production.

    Terry added: “Michael knew he had to do these shows as he was in so much debt.

    “The concert company put a lot up front and wanted to get a return on their money. The shows and the pressure got bigger than he could handle. “Michael pushed himself to the edge as he didn’t want to let the fans down.”

    We thank Terry Harvey for a confirmation that Michael agreed to do only 10 shows and that 50 shows were an unexpected shock to him, but as to all the rest of it there are still some questions.


    None of the medicines enumerated by Terry Harvey needed to take Michael to a “rehab” as none of them are narcotic substances. All of them except Propofol are perfectly legitimate drugs which may be taken by any of us for our various health conditions (I for one am prescribed two of them).

    Diprivan/Propofol is of course a highly unconventional drug to be given for sleep and in a home setting too, but even Propofol is not a narcotic and therefore does not require any rehabs, clean-ups or whatever. There is no craving for it the moment it is gone, it evaporates from the system five minutes after it stops dripping and absolutely nothing happens after that.

    If Michael had been given an adequate treatment for insomnia the need for Propofol would have never arisen at all. When not under the pressure to perform Michael never used Propofol even if he scarcely slept. This we know from the bodyguards who saw him wandering from the studio to the kitchen deep in the night but who still didn’t see any doctors giving him any IV for almost three years they worked for him.

    So the plan to place Michael in a “rehab” Terry Harvey is constantly speaking of could be a well-intentional one, but was totally out of place and was missing the whole point. Moreover any talk about it was extremely damaging to Michael.

    Terry Harvey repeatedly boasts that he was trying to “save” Michael by telling Michael’s associates that Michael was a “drug-addict”, but let us remember that statements like these are actually a double-edged sword – if it was he who convinced AEG executives that Michael was missing rehearsals and lacked energy due to his “drug-addiction”, now Terry Harvey should please bear his share of responsibility for AEG’s vile harassment of Michael due to their belief that he was an addict.

    Fortunately they never admitted that they considered Michael an addict and now it is too late for them to change the tune. But all of us still know that their story was a lie – they did consider him a “junkie” and this was exactly the reason why Randy Phillips allowed himself to treat Michael with no respect – slap him and throw him into a cold shower, declare a “straight jacket” and “tough love” for him, arrange “intervention meetings” and threaten to pull the plug if he didn’t do as he was told, and all of it finally came to a point when they were threatening to ruin Michael and even deprive him of his children if he didn’t attend one single day of their damned rehearsals.

    All these AEG’s steps were not only harsh and brutal, but they were also wrong as they were overlooking Michael’s real health needs and were not addressing his real problem – his inability to sleep.

    Sorry that I have to say it but Terry Harvey’s repeated stories about Michael being a “junkie” could have influenced AEG’s attitude towards Michael and therefore, though indirectly, could contribute to his death.

    And the worst part of it is that Terry Harvey had absolutely no idea what was wrong with Michael Jackson and simply sprang to a conclusion that he was a “junkie”. Cynical characters like him seldom consider any other opportunity than the one that comes first to their minds and which they are accustomed to think about other people.


    After Michael’s death Terry Harvey reserved for himself the role of the main spokesman for Jacksons.

    In the September 13, 2009 article by Diane Dimond he managed to throw under the bus not only Michael Jackson but the whole of the Jackson family:

    “When I got to Vegas, Joe Jackson met with me and said, ‘Get me a Prevost (a million-dollar tour bus), put $50,000 in cash in the glove box, and I’ll make sure the Jackson 8 come together.’ ” This effort is confirmed by others in the meeting. “I was right there,” Terry Harvey, a music promoter for Tito Jackson, told The Daily Beast. “I absolutely heard it.” Asked why Joe Jackson would get involved, Harvey responded: “Because they are a dysfunctional family if you want to know the truth. They all have their own agendas.”

    On October 25, 2009 after a segment of Michael’s rehearsal of June 23rd was released for TV he expressed his scepticism about Michael’s ability to sing:

    Michael Jackson’s family claims that the late singer’s film This Is It features stand-ins, not the real star.

    US concert promoter Terry Harvey said: “From what I can see, Michael wasn’t even singing live in a full segment. He was struggling. I was told he had his vocals sequenced on stage so if he didn’t want to sing live, they just switched on the tape.”

    On November 1, 2009 Terry Harvey called Michael a “zombie hampered by drugs”. This diagnosis was all wrong though the signs of ill health displayed by Michael were quite real – he was not himself, was dragging his feet, was listless and lacking energy.

    However the reason for it was not narcotics as Terry Harvey habitually assumed but one or several of a multitude of other reasons – a heavy depression or lack of sleep or the burden of his financial problems or the benzodiazepines fed to him by Murray and making Michael dull and sleepy in the daytime or all of it taken together.

    But by voicing only one version of the story and a wrong one at that and speaking on behalf of Michael’s family Harvey was doing irreparable harm to Michael – his stories were looked upon as first-hand information from the Jacksons and were therefore readily believed by the public. Little did they know that the family was also in the dark as to what was going on with Michael and most probably also listened to this Oracle Terry Harvey in the same way the public did.

    Here is the November 2009 sample from Terry Harvey. The source was naturally the News of the World:

    King of Pop Michael Jackson used golf cart to whisk him to and from his car during This Is It tour rehearsals, because he was so drugged and exhausted he could barely walk, it has been revealed.

    In the new movie This Is It, the late singer is shown as a master at work as he leaps around the stage at Los Angeles Staples Center.

    However, aides have revealed behind the scenes he was a wreck who could hardly stand.

    “Everyone in the house knew Michael was not himself, and was clearly under the influence of drugs. I was amazed at how he looks on film, because in the flesh he was a shadow of himself. He was thin, almost anorexic, pale and didn’t seem to have enough energy to walk across the room, let alone dance,” News of the World quoted concert promoter and friend Terry Harvey as saying.

    He had a sharp mind, but he was deluded, hampered by the drugs. He didn’t know what he was saying to people. To make his life easy he would just say ‘yes’.

    He was walking around in a daze like a zombie,” Harvey added.

    Harvey also said: “To me that movie is all smoke and mirrors. Michael was struggling with his dance moves and schedule.

    “Michael was not fit enough – he couldn’t pull off a tour if his life depended it. They took the best bits of the video and made it into this movie.

    “The rehearsals were long days, and Michael was tired. He hadn’t been on stage for over 10 years and wasn’t used to the physical demands of long days. Some days he didn’t even turn up to rehearsals,” Harvey added.

    A source close to the production said: “Michael was exhausted. Some days he barely said a word. He slumped down in a chair and would just get talked at. During one rehearsal he nodded off.”

    One friend said: “The hard work needed was just too much for him, and his mood became very dark by the end. He was a gibbering wreck.

    He shouted out, ‘They are pushing me and I can’t take it anymore. They are gonna kill me’.” (ANI)

    The fact conveyed to us this other friend is priceless. So in his frustration with AEG’s pressure on him Michael shouted: “They are pushing me and I can’t take it anymore. They are gonna kill me’!”

    If Michael shouted it the amount of pressure he was under at the time explains why he had to resort to Propofol even before the tour started. Due to those insulting demands to make his appearance and rehearse every day though rehearsals were never his obligation even by their contract, due to the disdain almost openly shown to him as a “drug-addict” and due to the neglect for his real health problems, Michael lost his sleep, the remaining stamina and all confidence in himself.

    He was filled with anxiety and fear, and the constant “interventions” everyone was harassing him with were only adding to the insult of all of it.

    Michael didn’t need any “interventions” – he needed qualified help from a sleep specialist. But most of all he needed peace and quiet for himself and everyone leaving him alone and letting him get ready for the show the way he saw fit.

    On August 22, 2010 Terry Harvey again collaborated with his favorite guy James Desborough. He continued to degrade Michael in the eyes of the public by calling him a “drug-addicted wreck”. The article suggested that this scumbag was making “research” for a book…


    News of the World

    By James Desborough, US Editor, 22/08/2010

    PARANOID Michael Jackson believed he suffered heart attacks and had cancer and brain tumours in the six months before he died.

    The hypochondriac King of Pop even thought he had HYPOTHERMIA and FROSTBITE – in sunny Los Angeles.

    But his delusions were caused by his mind and body being ravaged by his addiction to prescription drugs and painkillers, according to aides.

    One said: “He was a mental wreck and always felt he had a disease. He was terrified of the sun as it irritated his vitiligo (skin condition) prompting him to claim he had cancer and brain tumours.

    “At other times he said he was freezing cold and might have frostbite. On reflection his body and mind were just wrecked by drug use.”

    Murray’s defence will argue Jacko hid the full extent of his pill-popping from him. But today we can reveal family friend and prosecution witness Terry Harvey will challenge this.

    Terry, who first told the world that Jacko’s death at 50 was from an overdose of painkiller Propofol, said: “I discovered Murray knew about Michael’s drug problems for a long time.

    Michael was a drug-addicted wreck and complained for months about being too ill to perform his shows.”

    Terry, 50, who uncovered the revelations while researching a book about Jacko’s death, added: “I expect at Murray’s trial all those secret things I have discovered will come to the fore.”

    On May 13, 2013 (during the AEG trial) Terry Harvey’s fruitful cooperation with James Desborough was still going on. This time Terry Harvey shared with the public the news that the concert with AllGoodEntertainment which he was pushing on Michael for the summer of 2010 could only be held “on condition he went to a rehab”.

    So in addition to all Michael’s trouble from AEG at the time Terry Harvey was also setting him conditions! We learn that “getting clean was part of their contract” and that Terry Harvey was ‘for months” telling Tohme, Dennis Hawk and Dileo about Michael’s addiction issues, only they “didn’t want to know”.

    They did know it all right and this is why saw their primary task in keeping Michael in full isolation from friends, fans and even lawyers (like Peter Lopez) whom they evidently considered to be Michael’s “enablers” and by doing so they only aggravated Michael’s acute feeling of loneliness, isolation, insecurity and helplessness. Remember how he was looking for Karen Faye to always be present during rehearsals so that he could always see her? This is how lonely he felt in that hostile environment of theirs.

    And let Terry Harvey not imagine that he didn’t make his own contribution to Michael’s isolation and misery at the time. He did.

    However by they year 2013 Terry Harvey’s story about how he was “saving” Michael Jackson acquired the notes of warm consideration and deep concern for his frail state. The story is naturally told by Terry’s twin brother James Desborough again:

    By James Desborough, Christopher Bucktin

    Long-term Jackson family friend Terry Harvey claims the singer had laid down vocals over several months to work as back-up material for shows.

    And the promoter insists he made Jackson’s managers Dr Tohme Tohme, Frank DiLeo and contract lawyer Dennis Hawk aware of his dangerously frail state.

    He says he warned Di Leo, who died in 2011: “You are going to kill Michael.”

    Harvey, claims the singer recorded show vocals weeks before his rehearsals.

    He said: “On This Is It there were moments where he wasn’t singing, his energy levels were down and anyone who worked with him in the past could tell Michael was a way off from 100 per cent. We found out Michael was in the studio recording tracks for the show and even new albums in his last months. You can put your voice in a sequencer and backing track for live shows, so if you don’t want to sing you mime and fans don’t realise.”

    Harvey and partners AllGood Entertainment offered Jackson a Dallas 2009 comeback show, on the provision he went to rehab. But the singer chose AEG’s gigs in London.

    It prompted a lawsuit with AllGood which they lost in 2010. But today Harvey claims AllGood plan to refile their £200million lawsuit against AEG for stealing the Thriller star from their grasp.

    Harvey claims he spoke to Jackson in his last few weeks over the deal with AllGood.

    He said: “It was part of the contract for Michael to get clean. His mother Katherine and father Joe knew that, and we made it clear to everyone close to him.

    “For months we told Michael’s lawyer at the time Dennis Hawk, his managers Frank DiLeo and Dr Tohme Tohme he needed rehab.

    “I told Frank, ‘He needs to get clean first’, but he didn’t want to know. It was an open secret in close circles that Michael had addiction issues.”

    Harvey claims Jackson had agreed to do a one-off return gig in Dallas but was lured away by AEG execs.

    Harvey, 53, who lives in Oklahoma, said: “Michael’s comeback was tailor-made for one show. He didn’t need to slug it out for 50 nights. The This Is It sales figures prove our formula – they made $200million from a rehearsal, so we would have made more – and Michael would have taken the lion’s share.

    “There is a feeling that Michael’s death turned about to be a good business decision for AEG. It hurts me to say that, because people forget Michael was not just a commodity, but a troubled human being, with a lot still to offer, who was dedicated to his three kids. The only reason he did this was so that his kids could see him perform.”

    AllGood, who have worked with stars such as Bon Jovi and Stevie Wonder, are set to refile their £200million law suit in the next few weeks.

    “We feel there is a strong case,” said Harvey. “The company were not given access to the emails that have come up in this case.

    “We have depositions from senior AEG executives, who insisted that Michael was healthy enough to do ‘100 shows’ in the days before the rehearsals. The emails in the Jackson case suggest they had knowledge of problems. People knew Michael had a long term drug condition.

    “His employees saw him unable to walk after visiting doctors – it was even on the news, but no one stepped in. I think AEG will lose to Katherine Jackson.”

    The Jackson family claim that as Jackson’s personal physician Dr Conrad Murray was responsible for administering the fatal anaesthetic, AEG should be held responsible as they were his employer. AEG deny responsibility.

    Murray, paid £100,000 a month by Jackson, got four years jail for involuntary manslaughter.

    I fully agree with Terry Harvey that the AllGoodEntertainment proposition to Michael of one concert on a pay-per-view basis was a much better and lucrative option than the AEG tour of 50 shows, however the ultimatums he set to Michael were completely groundless not to mention the continuous damaging effect his silly stories about MJ needing a clean up had on the general public.

    In November 2013 (after the AEG trial) together with his inseparable friend James Desborough Terry Harvey made a TV appearance in the Autopsy program made by Channel 5 where he was featured in the following episodes:

    Terry Harvey: He did things that no one else could do. He was untouchable.

    Narrator: His personal doctor Conrad Murray assured them that apart from his insomnia Jackson was in good physical condition, but not everyone was so convinced. [the camera shows the gargantuan Terry Harvey with a cigar sitting in a car]

    Terry Harvey: Ha-ha-ha.

    Narrator: Terry Harvey is a music promoter with close links to the Jackson family.

    Terry Harvey: How fit would someone have to be to perform for two and a half hours in good shape? Do I think Michael didn’t have the energy and stamina for fifty nights? He didn’t have the stamina to do thirty minutes!

    Terry Harvey [smiling and making dance moves]: … he was devious and the king of manipulation. He was the puppet master. He can tell you what you want to hear and look like it is real and guess what? You go – it’s okay, it’s all right, come on, let’s go. He was on a path of destruction. When you walk often in that Devil’s Dalliance some of us make it out, some of us don’t.

    Let me remind you that Terry Harvey allows himself to talk this way of Michael Jackson though the most he saw of him was a couple of times when they discussed their AllGoodEntertainment proposal. All he had was a visual observation of Michael – and Michael was evidently listless, tired and disinterested. No facts, no nothing. Just Harvey’s impression of him.

    All the other talks were held in Michael’s absence – initially with Frank Dileo in the winter of 2008/09 when Patrick Allocco of AllGoodEntertainment thought that Frank Dileo was Michael’s manager, and then with Joe Jackson and Leonard Rowe who met Michael just on one or two occasions trying to sign Leonard Rowe in as Michael’s manager.

    This was all the “data” available to Harvey, except probably some stories from Joe Jackson who didn’t know anything of his son either.

    However people like Terry Harvey are never abashed by the absence of small things like evidence and are capable to make the most of the little they think they know and to the best advantage for themselves too. Indeed who would know Terry Harvey if it were not for his constant tales about Michael Jackson told in cooperation with his suspicious friend James Desborough? The tales everyone unfortunately believed and probably even the Jackson family in the first place too?


    Since Terry Harvey is so desperate for the attention to his persona let me disclose Terry Harvey’s little secret.

    From a lovely interview dated March 5, 2008 and titled “Talking with Grammy Winner Steve Pageot” we learn that as early as April-March 2008 Terry Harvey and Frank Dileo were passing themselves off as Michael Jackson’s “managers” and were even signing management deals with other performers by making use of Michael’s name. The deals included “being in talks with Michael” to bring those singers into one studio with him for a new album.

    Still oblivious of the fraud Steve Pageot’s was telling the story in his March 2008 interview:

    Question: What artists are you currently listening to for your own pleasure?

    Steve Pageot: Right now, Michael Jackson. I love listening to Michael, you know. Actually, I just signed a management deal with Michael Jackson’s managers, Frank DiLeo and Terry Harvey. So they’re managing me now, and we’re in talks to bring me into the studio for Michael Jackson’s next studio album.

    No matter whether Michael intended or didn’t intend to record something with Steve Pageot, the two con artists were surely not Michael’s managers in 2008, so all their promises and management deals were a clear fraud.

    Do I need to say that Michael never knew of the activity Terry Harvey and Frank Dileo were involved in behind his back? If he had know he would have never talked to any of them a year later when one approached him together with Joe and Leonard Rowe with a deal for AllGoodEntertainment and the other was proposed by AEG as a sort of a manager for him.

    The next trick of the pair was evidently the concert to be arranged by AllGoodEntertainment. When Frank Dileo asked for a $150,000 down payment for enlisting Michael in the deal the money was promised to him but only after signing the contract. Frank Dileo could never guarantee that as he was a nobody for MJ then, so evidently Terry Harvey as another “manager” of Michael approached Leonard Rowe and this is how the new stage of negotiations started.

    When Michael fired Tohme AEG made a smart counter-move by bringing Frank Dileo over to their side and this is probably how Terry Harvey and Dileo found themselves on the opposite sides of the barricades.

    If you ask me what I think of all these games around Michael I will say that they look disgusting to me. At least for some of the participants in the game Michael was regarded as nothing but a prized toy or a valuable commodity. He was not even allowed to be his own master.

    How could he trust anyone in circumstances like these or understand who had his best interests at heart if most of these people were thinking only of themselves when dealing with him?

    And please don’t tell me that Terry Harvey was genuinely concerned about Michael’s health. Michael’s parents and siblings were concerned – it simply couldn’t be anything different, but with people like Terry Harvey as a go-between them and Michael they didn’t have a single chance to ever understand what was really wrong with him.

    I now live in hope that one day Michael’s family will publicly disavow any connection with this terrible guy Terry Harvey and this will put a stop to his incessant public trashing of Michael.

    My other big dream is that the Jackson family finally understands that when they relied on the opinion of scumbags like Terry Harvey and Stacy Brown about their son and brother whom they for sure dearly loved, they not only allowed themselves to be fundamentally deceived, but they also grossly let Michael down by sharing the views, opionions and mode of thinking of these cynical liars.

    Source: http://vindicatemj.wordpress.com/2014/06/2...nds-like-these/


    "Dipendenza" di Michael o chi ha bisogno di nemici con amici come questi?

    Edited by ArcoIris - 10/4/2018, 17:03

    "The King of Pop"



    Tributi/Ricordando il Re del Pop - 25 Giugno 2014

    Il 25 giugno di 5 anni fa Michael Jackson moriva per arresto cardiaco in una villa di Los Angeles. The King of Pop era rimasto vittima di una abuso di tranquillanti, assunti nel disperato tentativo di dormire per prepararsi al suo ultimo tour mondiale 'This is it'. Tuttavia dopo cinque anni, per i milioni di fan in tutto il mondo Jacko non è mai morto. Ecco le immagini dei fan che gli rendono omaggio al cimitero di Glendale, in California.








    om1 om2 om3


    Michael_Jackosn_moriva_5_anni_fa_fan_lo_ricordan Michael_Jackosn_moriva_5_anni_fa_fan_lo_ricordan

    Edited by Arcoiris - 27/6/2014, 17:28

    "The King of Pop"





    Sono passati cinque anni da quando Michael Jackson è stato trovato morto nella sua camera d’albergo a Los Angeles, il 25 giugno del 2009. Una notizia che ha stravolto il mondo della musica – ma non solo - e che continua a far male nonostante il trascorrere del tempo.
    La vita del Re del Pop è sempre stata vissuta sotto i riflettori, dagli esordi con i Jackson Five, quando aveva solo cinque anni, al successo come icona globale, fino al processo per pedofilia, che ha offuscato la sua aura gloriosa.
    Al di là delle chiacchiere ci sono dei fatti, inconfutabili: Michael Jackson ha rivoluzionato il mondo della musica per sempre, con i suoi look eccentrici, le sue canzoni, i suoi balletti e soprattutto il suo amore per una professione che gli ha dato tanto, ma che lo ha anche turbato nell’anima, quella che donava ai suoi fan in ogni concerto.
    Oggi, a distanza di cinque anni dalla morte, il ricordo è più vivo che mai. Per questo vogliamo celebrare ancora una volta l’unico vero Re del Pop con le cinque cose che ci mancano di più e che non dimenticheremo mai.

    Prima di Justin Bieber, prima dei One Direction, prima anche dei Backstreet Boys e dei Take That (per chi è cresciuto negli anni Novanta), c’era Michael Jackson, che provocava mancamenti, urla deliranti, lacrime di gioia. E non per un faccino angelico o i suoi begli occhioni, ma per la sua musica. Perché ogni volta che veniva annunciata l’uscita di un nuovo album o l’inizio di un tour, il suo pubblico, milioni di persone, andavano in visibilio. Uomini, donne, bambini, ragazzini e ragazzine: lui era democraticissimo.

    Essere stato messo su un palco a soli cinque anni a macinare performance lo ha reso una sorta di divinità quando si trattava di esibirsi, dovunque e comunque. I suoi live erano degli show maestosi, da pelle d’oca, curati in modo quasi maniacale. E la differenza si vede ancora oggi, nonostante tecnologia, effetti speciali e quant’altro.

    Giusto lui poteva permettersi il calzino bianco. È anche vero che se oggi esistono ancora delle cinture borchiate, dei cappelli di feltro e delle giacche militari, è anche e soprattutto merito suo. Al di là del gusto personale, le scelte stilistiche di Michael lo hanno aiutato a essere quello che è: un’icona.

    Di sicuro è stato uno degli uomini più discussi di sempre. Che si trattasse di affacciarsi con il figlio dal balcone o di uscire a fare due passi con la sua scimmietta, c’era sempre un buon motivo per parlare di Michael Jackson. E poi, su serio, chi altri avrebbe fatto costruire un intero parco a tema intorno alla propria casa? Nessuno avrebbe mai pensato a Neverland prima di Jacko. E nemmeno dopo.

    Quello che tutti ricorderanno per sempre, al di là delle polemiche sul suo modo di vivere e sulla sua morte, sarà la sua musica. L’eredità che ci lascia sono pezzi di storia come «Thriller», «Heal the World», «Billy Jean», con cui anche chi non ha la fortuna di essere cresciuto negli anni Ottanta e Novanta dovrà fare i conti.


    Edited by ArcoIris - 10/4/2018, 17:05

    "The King of Pop"



    Michael Jackson: Incassi da record nel Regno Unito

    Dopo la morte di Michael Jackson sono stati venduti, , solamente nel Regno Unito, quasi 8 milioni di copie tra album e download digitali . Il re del Pop continua ancora a far parlare di sé.

    Dopo appena un giorno dal quinto anniversario della scomparsa di Michael Jackson la britannica Official Charts Company, impegnata nella gestione delle classifiche musicali del Regno Unito, ha svelato l’ammontare delle vendite del Re del Pop a partire da quel fatidico 25 giugno 2009.
    Sommando il download digitale dei singoli (quasi 4 milioni) alle copie d’album vendute (più di 3,8 milioni) si è registrata, così, una cifra record di quasi 8milioni d’incassi in appena un quinquennio.
    Stando alle fonti dell’organizzazione britannica e di Rockol.it il brano più scaricato del King of Pop è stato ‘Man in the mirror’, tratto da Bad (1987) con oltre 400mila download. La Top 10, oltre alle canzoni più conosciute di sempre (‘Thriller’, Jean’, ‘Smooth criminal’,; ‘Beat it’) ha riservato lo stesso qualche piccola sorpresa.

    Due, infatti, sono stati i brani pubblicati postumi capaci di riscuotere ugualmente e in brevissimo tempo un successo incredibile: è il caso di ‘Hold My Hand’ (ft. Akon), primo singolo estratto da ‘Michael’ del 2010, recuperato grazie a una precedente registrazione del 2007, e ‘Love never felt so good’ (conJustin Timberlake), tratto dal recentissimoXscape, album ufficialmente presentato agli scorsi Billboard Music Awards con quel tanto discusso ologramma dell’artista.
    Anche per quanto riguarda gli USA Michael Jackson ha conquistato una posizione di rilievo, sebbene il successo non sia stato pari a quello riscosso in Gran Bretagna. 584mila copie vendute nell’ultimo anno, però, non si buttano di certo, anche se il Re del Pop rimane ancora dietro Elvis e Johnny Cash.


    Michael Jackson: Man In The Mirror è la canzone più scaricata dopo la sua morte


    Era il 25 giugno del 2009 quando all’età di 50 anni a Los Angeles moriva una delle leggende della musica moderna: Michael Jackson. Il Re del Pop continua a vivere grazie alla sua musica e di recente una nuova compilation di inediti chiama “Xscape” ha visto la luce. In questi cinque anni il catalogo dell’interprete ha continuato a vendere ingenti quantità di copie e qui sotto trovate la classifica dei singoli più venduti nel Regno Unito dalla sua morte ad oggi.

    Al primo posto con 413 mila unità c’è “Man In The Mirror”, quarto singolo estratto dall’album “Bad”, pubblicato nel 1988. In seconda posizione troviamo “Thriller”, brano leggendario che negli ultimi 5 anni è stato scaricato oltre 244 mila volta. 224 mila downloads per “Billie Jean” seguita da “Smooth Criminal” (189.000) e “Beat It” (171.000).

    Nella classifica c’è spazione anche per l’ultimo singolo “Love Never Felt So Good” featuring Justin Timberlake. La traccia si trova alla posizione numero 7 con un bottino di 140 mila downloads.

    1. ‘Man In The Mirror’
    2. ‘Thriller’
    3. ‘Billie Jean’
    4. ‘Smooth Criminal’
    5. ‘Beat It’
    6. ‘Hold My Hand’
    7. ‘Love Never Felt So Good’
    8. ‘Dirty Diana’
    9. ‘The Way You Make Me Feel’
    10. ‘Black Or White’


    Edited by ArcoIris - 10/4/2018, 17:06

    "The King of Pop"



    Ad Amsterdam esposta foto d'epoca di Michael Jackson


    Amsterdam (Olanda), 26 giu. (LaPresse/AP) - Una foto di Michael Jackson, risalente al 1977, è stata esposta per strada ad Amsterdam per commemorare il re del pop a cinque anni dalla sua morte. Lo scatto in bianco e nero lo ritrae quando Jackson, con un'acconciatura afro, faceva ancora parte dei Jackson 5. Il volto rilassato e sorridente, la carnagione scura: Michael camminava per le strade del quartiere Jordaan. Sul cartellone si legge la frase 'Amsterdam ancora in lutto'.

    Il fotografo Claude Vanheye e alcune celebrità olandesi hanno assistito al momento in cui la fotografia è stata svelata. "L'ho accompagnato per le vie della città - racconta il fotografo autore dello scatto - A lui piaceva molto camminare per queste strade, era rilassato, c'eravamo solo noi due, senza guardie del corpo o cose simili".


    *** Il breve video del momento in cui viene svelata la foto non ha il codice di incorporamento. Potete vederlo aprendo il link sopra.
  10. Wivvy

    User deleted

    Bellissimo l'articolo di Colby.
    La sua analisi si avvicina molto a quello che penso anche io a parte la 'questione materna' che ritengo, invece, molto più complessa e forse ancora non del tutto approfondita, per certi versi un po' sottovalutata.
    E questo lo dico proprio perché sono d'accordissimo con Colby che bisognerebbe tenere a mente tante cose e provare a rifletterci per arrivare, forse, a capire almeno un po' l'uomo Michael, invece di giudicarlo o limitarlo dentro sterili 'etichette' prive di significato perché lontane dalla realtà interna ed esterna di chi ha avuto una vita che ne racchiudeva al suo interno almeno altre cinquanta.
    Un bambino separato precocemente dalla propria madre (che sia per i mini-tour con i Jackson5 o, peggio ancora, per l'anno da solo con Diana Ross) porta dentro di sé degli strascichi di questa esperienza con vissuti profondi e complessi. Per cui credo che lì ci sarebbe da aprire un bel vaso di Pandora. Perché Peter Pan è innanzitutto un bambino senza madre: i Lost Boys sono anche bambini 'abbandonati' (sono 'perduti' perché c'è 'qualcuno' che se li è persi) e il vissuto d'abbandono è qualcosa di così grosso e doloroso che a me è capitato di dover lavorare duramente, e per anni, con pazienti adulti così sofferenti per questo che le conseguenze di tale loro dolore erano state spesso drammatiche.
    E questo è solo 'uno' degli aspetti della 'questione materna'.
    Detto ciò, c'è un'altra cosa che mi ha colpito del calzante e corretto parallelo che fa con Peter Pan e cioè il passaggio in cui fa notare la differenza che c'era tra loro, ovvero la possibilità per Michael di avere una memoria, al contrario di Peter Pan. Colby giustamente imputa a questa memoria, che MJ aveva dei propri vissuti, una delle cause di quel dolore che, tra le altre cose, non lo faceva dormire. Verissimo, ma io non posso far a meno, da psicoanalista, di pensare che quella memoria poteva invece essere anche una risorsa per lui, proprio la fonte della sua 'salvezza', ciò che poteva impedirgli di essere condannato per sempre all'infelicità, come accade invece a Peter Pan che di quella memoria è privo.
    Lo so che quanto sto per dire può sembrare un 'tirare acqua al mio mulino' ma chi ha fatto una buona esperienza analitica, anche senza farlo per mestiere, sa di che parlo.
    Quella memoria di vissuti legati alle esperienze sarebbe potuta diventare consapevolezza, accettazione di un dolore profondo e sordo che prima però è stato raccolto da un altro-analista che se l'é tenuto insieme a te, l'ha 'pensato' per e con te, restituendotelo poi in una forma bonificata e più 'accettabile' che finalmente trova così uno spazio nella tua mente. Quel dolore allora ora puoi 'pensarlo' invece solo di 'sentirlo' (e fa malissimo!) e a volte 'agirlo' facendo scelte sbagliate che a quel male danno solo un sollievo momentaneo.
    Per carità, magari ci avrà pure provato, non lo so, ma non deve essere andata un granché bene e, ahimè, purtroppo a volte capita anche questo: lungi da me considerare infatti la psicoterapia psicoanalitica (degli altri tipi di psicoterapia non parlo perché conosco fino a un certo punto) infallibile e 'miracolosa'. Spesso e volentieri però funziona.
    Un uomo così creativo e sensibile chissà che inconscio ricco deve aver avuto e che viaggio affascinante e misterioso sarebbe stata l'analisi dei suoi sogni, una volta liberatosi da tutte quelle chiusure difensive.
    Non posso farci niente, rispetto a questo argomento e Michael, a me rimane un grosso punto di domanda che, credetemi, continua ancora oggi a tormentarmi come un tarlo. E, visto come è andata a finire, il 'chissà se' o il 'magari se' che mi gira in testa ogni volta che mi riaccosto a quanto deve aver sofferto, è spesso insopportabile.

    "The King of Pop"

    Los Angeles

    Eh lo sapevo che avresti apprezzato e che ti avrebbe colpito fortemente.. io imputo la sua sete di cultura anche, la frenesia nel leggere di tutto( al di la del.. come passo la notte?) ad una ricerca su se stesso, ad un altro tentativo di uscire da quella condizione autoimposta e impostagli con le sue stesse forze, e senza doversi affidare a qualcuno che per ovvia conseguenza di quel suo stato d'animo, rendeva la cosa impossibile sul nascere( cioè impossibile trovare quel qualcuno di cui " fidarsi")..

    O come la ricerca di una risposta nelle mente di qualche scritto capace di farlo sentire meno solo.
  12. MJ-Beautiful soul

    User deleted

    Michael Jackson: A Journalist Remembers ‘The King of Pop’ and The Day She Decided to Defend Him


    In 2003, I wrote an editorial entitled, “Will Humanity Ever Visit The Media: A journalist speaks out on the attempts to castrate Michael Jackson.” As most editorials go, it was borne out of frustration, anger, and the decision to take a stand on something I believed in.

    Additionally, the Martin Bashir interview had just aired.

    I knew that as a journalist it was a risky move to make; reprimanding the media itself – which I am a member of; and coming off as defending someone – hell, not just anyone, Michael Jackson of all people, when it was not popular to do so.

    I didn’t give a shit, and did it anyway.

    I remember being nervous as I pushed “send” – forwarding the article to a handful of colleagues to see what they thought, and a few publications, including the Los Angeles Times. And a few days later, as I followed up with them, the woman on the other end of the phone at the L.A. Times said, in a most nasty tone, “We wouldn’t print anything like this.”

    Fortunately, Lee Bailey’s EURweb felt differently, and without even responding to my email, published it in short order.

    Although I had been working as a journalist since the 70′s, and had written a multitude of articles, I had never really done anything like this before. Well, there was that time in 1993 when I had my own radio show and did an ‘Open Letter’ on the subject of Michael. But at this time, my real paycheck came from my work at a special needs school – which is where I had (foolishly) sent the email proposing the story. If you know anything about sending “personal” emails out (with an attachment, i.e. the story) from work you realize how risky a move that was. By the time I realized what I had done, it was too late.

    At best, still reeling from the L.A. Times nasty response, you can imagine my shock when I came into work the next day and turned on my computer. There were literally HUNDREDS of emails with the title of my article in the subject line! And emails were still coming in. My eyeballs got as big as saucers, and, although I had my own office – the way I was looking around the room you would’ve thought people were watching me.

    I was scared shit-less that the tech people would report me to my boss, or even worse, the president of the agency. They usually quickly usurped this kind of thing for fear of viruses. So how the hell did all these emails get through undetected?

    I started to recognize some of the email addresses and hesitantly started clicking on them. I got emails from colleagues, professors, fans, teachers, parents – from all over the world. All supporting the article and my decision to write it.

    I remember one student in Australia said his teacher had dedicated an entire class to talking about the article.

    Feeling compelled to at least thank these strangers for taking the time to, not only read the editorial, but respond to me, I stole further time from my workday and started to answer some of the emails. But as you can imagine, it became overwhelming, so I actually had to write a Thank You article in the same publication that had so graciously put it out there: EURweb.

    I, along with millions of others, miss Michael more than words can ever express. And although I never met Michael personally, or even spoke with him on the phone, I do consider myself among the luckiest people. Because of my family’s connection to him, he personally invited us to celebrate two birthdays at his homes in Encino (where I played scrabble with Mrs. Jackson) and at Neverland; where we watched movies, ate popcorn and all the candy one could want.

    I even remember a staff member at Neverland drove my little Volkswagen Cabriolet, at the time, “across the pond” to an actual 76 Station WHICH WAS ON THE PROPERTY, and filled up my tank FOR FREE.

    On this day, June 25, 2014, I publicly show my love, respect, and gratitude to one Michael Joseph Jackson, for giving his all to his craft, in spite of the sacrifices.

    Click on the link to read the article,

    “Will Humanity Ever Visit The Media.”

    "Will humanity ever visit the media?

    If the documentary Living With Michael Jackson is any indication of what journalism has become, we're in trouble. I have to wonder what the bottom line is on the media's obsession to defile the character of Michael Jackson. For Martin Bashir, it was clearly money and fame. But, for the record, the public should also know that not every journalist shares this view; and if for nothing but balance alone, our stories should be told as well. As journalists, there is something we seem to have forgotten: our "title" should not replace our "species." We are still human beings, but in our work, do we always act as such? While we may certainly recognize the eccentricities and even the naiveté of someone like Michael Jackson, these traits in themselves are not crimes.

    We should be careful not to use them as a summation of his character, or as a means to detract from his long-standing career as an entertainer and humanitarian. If journalism were truly unbiased, this would not be the case. Martin Bashir's documentary Living With Michael Jackson lacked integrity. In the opinion of this writer, it should be remembered as nothing more than an exercise in how to gain someone's trust, then manipulate it to tell the story you had written before ever meeting the man or setting foot on his property.

    Apparently, the need for journalistic excellence has left the building; leaving behind in its place only two prerequisites for getting your story picked up: how low can you go and how much are they willing to pay. Clearly, Bashir fulfilled the first requirement; and with several airings of his documentary to their credit, ABC and VH1, the second. By all accounts, I'd say the attempts to castrate Michael Jackson are keeping a lot of people in business. The sad part is that this tabloid-style documentary has become more prevalent over the years.
    Where in the past they seemed to find safe shelter on programs like Hard Copy, it's difficult to conceive that 20/20, a news-oriented program once considered "serious," would put out such a welcome mat. Jackson has arguably been the only celebrity continuously raked over the proverbial coals. It seems such a shame that all the media chooses to grasp from such an illustrious, long-standing career, is material on plastic surgery and unfounded allegations of child abuse. It is the blatant obsession with and subsequent regurgitation of this type of biased material that encourages dehumanization.

    It is a behavioral style that is becoming increasingly more acceptable, and celebrities, Jackson in particular, are seen not as people, but as objects. Even so-called "serious" journalists have stooped to new levels; asking shameless questions like Diane Sawyer did a few years back in her interview with Jackson and former wife Lisa Marie Presley: "I've spent most of my life being a 'serious' journalist, but, … do the two of you have sex?" Excuse me? This line of questioning is more than intrusive, it lacks any association with civility! Yet, these ridiculous questions keep resurfacing for Jackson. No other celebrity has had his or her dignity tested in this way. The type of programming reiterated by Bashir's documentary has contributed to the more discerning public's perception of the media as a growing joke.

    If ever there was a sense of trust, it's flying out of the window fast. There was a time you could turn on the television or pick up a newspaper and clearly distinguish serious news from tabloid. There were network warnings; or they were in different sections of the newspaper. Such distinctions have now become much more difficult.
    While the private life of Michael Jackson is in no way comparable to our nation's pending war with Iraq, if we had to spend two hours Living With him, why rehash the same thing? As a journalist with a unique opportunity, couldn't Bashir have used it better…more intelligently? Perhaps, considering the power of the media, and the country's current crisis, focus on Jackson's travels around the world over the past eight months; the meetings he may have had with dignitaries in an effort to initiate peace.

    Celebrities are doing such important things today in addition to their craft. Just look at U2's Bono, actor Chris Tucker, and Jermaine Jackson. Couldn't Bashir have explored how this icon uses the power of his celebrity and wealth as a vehicle to change the state of the world? Now is the time the public needs to hear such things. With the dawning of a new century, and our society's undeniable state of spiritual awakening, more than ever before, we are learning not to judge. It's insulting that judgment is the exact tool continually used by the media to perpetuate prejudice; and in this case, via Jackson.
    Because there is such a lack of balance where he is concerned, it's that much more noticeable to discerning eyes. Bashir used the word "disturbing" several times with regard to Jackson's relationship with children. I'd like to flip the script and offer some disturbing perceptions of my own. With regard to his misuse of Jackson's young friend, Gavin, did he put any forethought into the fact that he had to return to school the next day and face his classmates and friends following his portrayal of the teenagers' friendship with Jackson in the documentary.

    As a mother and grandmother, I know that life is hard enough for young boys entering into manhood without having their faces plastered on television and adding insult to injury - as Bashir did - with innuendoes of reference to sexual impropriety. As a friend Gavin's family, I am very aware of the effect that Jackson's unrelenting support and compassion has had on them through their lengthy battle with Gavin's illness. Bashir's decision to exploit the relationship as anything more than genuine sickens me.
    I am not on Michael Jackson's payroll; and as a journalist, I have no fear in choosing not to be a part of the popular vote. My interest, quite frankly, lies solely in the fact that I have seen the drama played over and over again. In media, as in society, we work to create these larger-than-life figures and then seem to revel in the dismantling of our own creation. It's a very sick cycle. If humanity ever decides to pay a visit to the media, I hope it will consider staying a while.

    I hope it will pull up a chair and have a sit-down conversation on how we can implement it in our work without the threat of our stories having any less substance. I hope it will show us how to bring respect back to the media; so that we can respect the public enough to trust they will come to their own conclusions, based on the presentation of unbiased material. If humanity ever decides to pay a visit to the media, I hope it has the opportunity to get a two-hour interview … on television … in primetime.

    "Is it because he is black?: What they don’t want you to know about Michael Jackson"
    What do you think of when you hear the name, Michael Jackson? Wacko? Criminal? Great Entertainer? Businessman? Whatever you think of MJ, throw all your thoughts out of the window and let’s examine some facts.

    For years the media has labeled him ‘Wacko Jacko’. What happened to MJ? Wasn’t he the biggest thing in music at one point? When did he go crazy?

    All anyone has to do is look when Michael started being portrayed as ‘Crazy’. It wasn’t during the ‘Thriller’ years. It’s cool being a song and dance man. That’s what they want. Don’t dare become a thinking businessman. Don’t' dare buy the Beatles Catalog. Don’t dare marry Elvis’ daughter. Don’t dare beat the record industry at their own game. Michael started being labeled crazy when he began making business moves that no one had been successful at doing.

    Michael took two cultural icons and shattered them to pieces. All our lives, we’ve been bombarded with two facts. The Beatles were the greatest group of all time and Elvis was the King of Rock and Roll. Michael bought the Beatles and married the King’s daughter. (if that ain’t literally sticking it to the man) If I wasn’t a cynic, I’d say Michael did the Lisa Marie thing just to stick it to the people who consider Elvis the King.

    The Beatles were great, but they weren’t great enough to maintain publishing rights over their own songs.

    Elvis was great, but he didn’t write his songs. His manager, Col Tom Parker, was the mastermind behind Elvis… keeping him drugged with fresh subscription pills and doing all the paperwork.

    Michael could do no wrong as an entertainer. ‘Off the Wall’, first solo artist with four top ten singles. ‘Thriller’, the biggest selling album of all time, with a then record seven top ten singles. ‘Bad’, the first album to spawn five number one songs (even ‘Thriller’ only had two number one songs). All this is cool. But that is all you better do. Sing and dance. Michael wanted to be greater. He bought the legendary Sly and the Family Stone catalog and no one really cared. When he bought the Beatles, people noticed. The Sony merger took the cake.
    Sony, in their eagerness to have a part of the Beatles catalog, agreed to a 50/50 merger with Jackson, thus forming Sony/ATV music publishing. Now, Michael co-owns half of the entire publishing of all of Sony artists. Check out the complete lists of songs at sonyatv.com. A sampling of the songs he owns the publishing rights to are over 900 country songs by artists such as Tammy Wynette, Kenny Rogers, Alabama. All Babyface written songs. Latin songs by Selena and Enrique Iglesias. Roberta Flack songs, Mariah Carey songs, Destiny’s Child’s songs. 2pac, Biggie and Fleetwood Mac songs. In essence over 100,000 songs. “What is this man doing?” None of the greats did this. Not Bono, Springsteen, Sinatra. “Who does he think he is? Get whatever you can on him.”

    To ‘get’ someone, you have to attack what they love the most. I’ll say no more on that.

    The only man who even approaches MJ in taking on the industry is Prince and to a lesser extent, George Michael. They went after poor George Michael, publicly outing the man as a homosexual. Prince fought hard and made his point, but nevertheless still had to resort to using a major company to distribute his materials. There is nothing wrong with that. Prince would get the lion’s share, but the result were years of being labeled crazy and difficult.

    The greatest moment for them was the Sneddon press conference. “We got him.” Never was such glee so evident. Who cares if we have evidence?

    Michael was acquitted, did not celebrate, went home and left the USA. Best move ever. Now what is there left for the haters to do? He’s gone. “Gone, what do you mean he moved to Bahrain? Well, how the hell can we get him if he’s not here? Quick, get that columnist to write a series of articles on how MJ’s teetering on the brink of destruction. Oh we did that? Well, what can we do?”

    On the outer surface, it appears Michael is not doing anything to make money. Don’t even count the weekly sales of his CDs. 15,000 CDs a week is nothing for Michael. The Sony/ATV catalog is money for Michael Jackson every time he breathes. Serious money. The fact that no one reports on the actual amount is proof of that. They would rather you believe he is broke than tell you the truth. Neverland is still owned by MJ. The family home in Encino is still owned by MJ. Michael still owns the Beatles songs through the merger with Sony as well as full ownership of his own songs. But, hey, that’s our little secret.

    Michael Jackson is literally walking in the shoes that no Black person has ever walked in before. If he ever writes an autobiography, it will be one of the most interesting ever. A Black man with no real formal education becomes the most powerful man in the industry, despite hatred, racism, enemies in his own camps and a media willing to be bought to the highest bidder.

    If Sony had any sense, right now they should offer to continue the partnership. That’s the only way they will make future money off of Michael’s catalogue. Tommy Mattola did not lose his job with Sony because he was a bad label head. It was a casualty of war. MJ exposed him and Sony had to cut their losses. Companies do it all the time. Notice no one at Sony nor did Matolla himself ever sue MJ for slander. Michael always was loyal to his bosses at Epic/Sony. Back at the 1984 Grammys, he even brought then label head Walter Yetnikoff on stage with him at one point. He’s always thanked Dave Glew, Mattola and others at Sony in his acceptance speeches.

    Sony can still do right by Michael, but it may be too late. However, they still should make a goodwill gesture, but how many times do businesses do that? If I were them, I’d still want MJ as an ally, not as an enemy. It is/was a mutally profitable merger.

    I’d be scared as hell if I was an enemy of MJ while he is with the multi-billionaires overseas. Believe me, they aren’t just over there discussing designer clothing. A conglomerate is in the making.

    One last note, these facts that I write here should not be the only times you hear this, but the sad fact is it probably is. I was worried that Michael would go down because of the uncertainty of the jury. That’s playing unfair. If I’m presenting these facts here at EURweb, you can believe the media knows it already as well. They aren’t salivating over everything MJ related just because he made ‘Thriller’. They know what’s up. Think about it. That’s why I laugh when I see shows like BET’s ‘The Ultimate Hustler’. We all know who that is. (How can Damon Dash know who the ultimate hustler is anyway? He lost Roc-a-fella to Jay-Z)

    In the end, Michael won’t be known for being an alleged child molester. He won’t be known for ‘Thriller’. He will be known as the man that fought the record industry and won and lived to tell the tale. That is a book worth buying.

    –This article was written by DeBorah B. Pryor

    Source: www.eurthisnthat.com/2014/06/25/mic...-to-defend-him/

    Edited by ArcoIris - 10/4/2018, 17:18

    "The King of Pop"




    Sono passati già 5 anni dal quel 25 giugno del 2009 quando in tutto il mondo si sparse la notizia della morte del Re del Pop. Uno shock per i suoi tanti e devotissimi fan e una perdita, con pochi precedenti, per il mondo della musica.

    Michael Jackson era unico, nel senso più ampio del termine. Lo era in tutto: nel ballare (quel Moonwalk inimitabile), nel cantare e nello stile. I suoi look, iconici e inconfondibili, lo hanno contraddistinto durante tutta la carriera. Il guanto di strass, la giacca in pelle rossa e il cappello, solo per citarne alcuni, rimangono nell’immaginario collettivo tracce indelebili dell’icona Michael.

    Il sito stylight.it, come tributo alla sua moda leggendaria, ha analizzato i capi più distintivi con alcune curiosità riguardanti ognuno di essi.

    ANTEPRIMA (clicca per ingrandire l'immagine)

  14. Wivvy

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    Traduzione di Michael Jackson: A Journalist Remembers ‘The King of Pop’ and The Day She Decided to Defend Him

    Michael Jackson: Una giornalista ricorda 'Il Re del Pop' e il giorno che ha deciso di difenderlo

    Nel 2003, ho scritto un editoriale dal titolo, "L'Umanità avrà mai spazio sui Media: Una giornalista parla dei tentativi di incastrare Michael Jackson". Come per la maggior parte degli editoriali, è stato carico di frustrazione, rabbia, e la decisione di prendere posizione su qualcosa in cui credevo.

    Inoltre, l'intervista di Martin Bashir era appena andata in onda.

    Sapevo che come giornalista era una mossa rischiosa da fare; rimproverare la stessa categoria di cui io sono un membro; andare in difesa di qualcuno - diavolo, non uno qualsiasi, ma Michael Jackson, quando non era popolare farlo.

    Non mi importava niente, e l'ho fatto comunque.

    Ricordo che ero nervosa quando ho schiacciato il tasto "invio" - mentre inoltravo l'articolo ad una manciata di colleghi per vedere cosa ne pensavano, e ad alcune pubblicazioni, tra cui il Los Angeles Times. E pochi giorni dopo, una donna all'altro capo del telefono presso il Los Angeles Times mi disse, in tono molto brusco, "Noi non stamperemo nulla di simile."

    Fortunatamente, EURweb di Lee Bailey la pensava diversamente, e senza nemmeno rispondere alla mia e-mail, lo pubblicarono in breve tempo.

    Anche se avevo lavorato come giornalista fin dagli anni '70, e avevo scritto una moltitudine di articoli, non avevo mai fatto niente di simile prima. Beh, ci fu quella volta nel 1993, quando avevo il mio show radiofonico, in cui scrissi una 'lettera aperta' con argomento Michael. Ma questa volta, il mio vero stipendio veniva dal mio lavoro in una scuola con specifiche esigenze - ed era da dove avevo (stupidamente) inviato l'e-mail che proponeva la storia. Se sai qualcosa sull'invio di email "personali"(con un allegato, vale a dire la storia) dal lavoro ti rendi conto di quanto sia rischiosa una mossa del genere. Dopo un po' ho capito quello che avevo fatto, ma era troppo tardi.

    Mentre ancora mi girava la testa per la brusca risposta del LA Times, potete immaginare la mia sorpresa quando sono arrivata al lavoro il giorno successivo e ho acceso il mio computer. C'erano letteralmente centinaia di e-mail con il titolo del mio articolo nella riga dell'oggetto! E ancora e-mail continuavano ad arrivare. I miei occhi erano letteralmente spalancati, e, anche se ero nel mio ufficio - il modo in cui mi stavo guardando intorno nella stanza faceva pensare che gente mi stesse guardando.

    Avevo una paura tremenda che l'area tecnica mi avrebbe segnalato al mio capo, o peggio ancora, al presidente dell'agenzia. Di solito rapidamente loro usurpano questo genere di cose per paura di virus. Così come diavolo avevano fatto tutte quelle e-mail a passare inosservate?

    Ho iniziato a riconoscere alcuni degli indirizzi e-mail ed esitante ho iniziato a cliccarci sopra. Ho ricevuto e-mail da parte di colleghi, professori, fans, insegnanti, genitori - provenienti da tutto il mondo. Tutti a sostegno dell'articolo e della mia decisione di scrivere.

    Mi ricordo di una studentessa in Australia che diceva che un suo insegnate aveva dedicato un'intera classe per parlare dell'articolo.

    Sentendomi in dovere almeno di ringraziare questi sconosciuti per aver avuto il tempo non solo di leggere l'editoriale, ma anche di rispondermi, ho rubato più tempo alla mia giornata lavorativa e ho iniziato a rispondere ad alcune delle email. Ma, come potete immaginare, è diventato schiacciante, e così ho dovuto scrivere un articolo di ringraziamento sulla stessa pubblicazione che così gentilmente lo aveva pubblicato: EURweb.

    A me, insieme a milioni di altri, manca Michael più di quanto le parole possono mai esprimere. E anche se non ho mai incontrato Michael personalmente, o parlato con lui al telefono, io mi considero tra le persone più fortunate. Per via di una conoscenza della mia famiglia, lui ci ha invitato personalmente a festeggiare due compleanni nelle sue case a Encino (dove ho giocato a scarabeo con la signora Jackson) e a Neverland; dove abbiamo guardato film, mangiato popcorn e tutte le caramelle che si potrebbero desiderare.

    Ricordo anche un membro del personale che a Neverland ha guidato la mia piccola Volkswagen Cabriolet dell'epoca, "attraverso lo stagno" verso la Stazione 76 che era sulla proprietà, ed ha riempito il mio serbatoio GRATIS.

    In questo giorno, 25 giugno 2014, mostro pubblicamente il mio amore, il rispetto e la gratitudine per Michael Joseph Jackson, per aver dato tutto se stesso nel suo mestiere, nonostante i sacrifici.

    Edited by ArcoIris - 10/4/2018, 17:19

    "The King of Pop"

    Los Angeles


    For Your Entertainment: Remembering Michael Jackson

    ** and a further contribution by Laura Messina


    A week ago today marked the fifth anniversary of the legendary King of Pop’s passing. Everyone knows the story. Michael Jackson was 50 years old when he died at his home on June 25, 2009 from an overdose of the anesthetic propofol. He gave 40 of those 50 years to the world. To us. When he died, he was in the midst of launching a series of comeback concerts titled “This Is It.”
    It was.
    “He was just such a fixture, I mean, you know, he’s Michael Jackson,” said Ellen DeGeneres the week of his passing. “That was never going to happen. We were never going to lose him.”
    The media blew up, as they always did when Jackson did anything. Radio stations played “Man in the Mirror” on repeat for the rest of the summer. His three children cried. Around the world, millions and millions of fans cried too.
    The world mourned similarly when Elvis – also proclaimed a “King” – died of an overdose. When people think of Elvis they remember him in his greased-back hair and tightly clad hip-gyrating days, not the sad, drug-ridden last years of his life. So why can’t we do the same for Jackson? Why are media tributes still punctuated with asterisks, saying “yes, Jackson was a genius” but also mentioning the trials (of which he was acquitted), the tabloid drama, most of which was faked?
    Remember Jackson’s achievements. Remember “Thriller,” the first music video ever filmed. Remember the album that still holds the world record for most copies sold. Remember the incredible self-invented moonwalk. The Super Bowl performance that started with him being shot onto the stage and standing motionless for two full minutes while the crowd cheered in sheer awe of his presence. Remember that dozens of artists today — including Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Usher, Madonna, Maria Carey and Brittany Spears — credit him with inspiration for their own careers.
    The most important thing is not to recall the remarkable things he did, but the remarkable person he was. He was kind and soft-spoken, extremely shy in person. He gave millions of dollars to charity anonymously because he didn’t care for recognition. He wrote hundreds of beautiful songs, spreading his message and greatest dream: “heal the world.”
    "I'm just a person who wants to be honest and do good, make people happy and give them the greatest sense of escapism through the talent God has given me,” Jackson said in a 1999 interview. “That's where my heart is, that's all I want to do. Just let me share and give, put a smile on people's faces and make their hearts feel happy."
    Why Michael Jackson was a genius African-American as well as many big white legend that the United States has ever had. They know it and they can not accept it. The great-grandfather Michael was a slave in the cotton fields in Alabama. Prince Screws was born in 1828. Michael wanted to call his children Prince.

    From slavery to the talent, creativity, success, fame, honors the biggest we've ever seen and ever will see in one person. A Black person.

    Michael Jackson - Jet Magazine, 1979 "People told us, 'Bear it! (racism) simply because that is the South This is ignorance and is induced because it's not genetic."

    Ebony magazine, 1984; "The thing I hate most is ignorance, such as issues of prejudice in America. Know which is worse in some other countries., But I would be borrow from countries like Venezuela or Trinidad, the real love of people who don't distinguish color and bring it to America.I'm biased against ignorance, ignorance is mainly that i'm prejudiced against. "

    Radio interview with Steve Harvey, 2002: "I ​​'m proud of my origins, I'm proud of i'm Proud to be black.I'm Honored to be black and I only hope that one day will be fair in how you describe are really nothing more than ... a peaceful loving guy who wants to create a wonderful unparalleled entertainment, songs, music and film for the world. That's all I want to do. I'm not no threat. I just want to do that. This is what I want to do. to bring joy to the world. "



    5 Anni fa : Ricordando Michael Jackson

    ** Articolo in parte tradotto da Laura Messina con un suo aggiuntivo contributo.
    "Una settimana fa oggi, ricorreva il quinto anniversario della morte del leggendario Re del Pop... Quando morì, i media esplosero, come sempre quando Jackson faceva qualcosa. Le stazioni radio trasmisero "Man in the Mirror "a ripetizione per il resto dell'estate... i suoi tre figli piansero e piansero anche milioni e milioni di fan in tutto il mondo. Il mondo pianse in maniera simile quando Elvis morì di overdose. Quando la gente pensa a Elvis lo ricorda coi suoi bei capelli gelatinati e i vestiti attillati dei giorni del suo giro di bacino, non ricordano i tristi ultimi anni tormentati dai farmaci della sua vita.
    Allora perché non possiamo fare lo stesso per Jackson? Perché nei media i tributi sono ancora punteggiati da asterischi che dicono: "sì, Jackson era un genio", ma riferiscono sempre del processo (da cui è stato assolto) e della stampa scandalistica per la maggior parte piena di falsità?"
    Ricordate i successi di Jackson. Ricordate "Thriller", il primo corto metraggio video che sia mai stato fatto. Ricordate l'album che detiene ancora il record mondiale per il maggior numero di copie vendute. Ricordate l'incredibile moonwalk da lui inventato. La performance al Super Bowl che inizia con lui che viene sparato dal fondo del palco e resta immobile in piedi per due minuti interi, mentre la folla applaudiva incessamente e completamente suggestionata dalla sua presenza. Ricordate le decine di artisti contemporanei- tra cui Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Usher, Madonna, Maria Carey e Brittany Spears - che gli attribuiscono meriti per aver ispirato la loro carriera.
    La cosa più importante non è quello di ricordare tutto ciò che di notevole ha fatto, ma la persona straordinaria che era. Era gentile e pacato, estremamente timido di persona. Ha donato milioni di dollari in beneficienza e in completo anonimato, perché non gli importava ottenere un riconoscimento per questo. Ha scritto centinaia di canzoni bellissime, diffondendo il suo messaggio e il suo sogno più grande: ". Guarire il mondo"
    "Sono solo una persona che vuole essere onesta e fare del bene,e rendere felici le persone ,dare loro il più grande senso di evasione attraverso il talento che Dio mi ha dato", ha detto Jackson in un'intervista del 1999. "Ecco dov'è il mio cuore, questo è tutto quello che voglio fare. voglio solo che mi si permetta di farlo, mettere un sorriso sui volti delle persone e rendere felice il loro cuore ".
    Perché Michael Jackson era un Genio afro-americano così oltre qualsiasi altra leggenda bianca che gli Stati Uniti abbiano mai avuto. Loro lo sanno e non riescono ad accettarlo. Il bis-bisnonno di Michael era uno schiavo nelle piantagioni di cotone in Alabama. Era nato Prince Screws nel 1828. Michael ha voluto chiamare i suoi figli Prince.

    Dalla schiavitù al talento, la creatività, il successo, la fama, i riconoscimenti più grandi che abbiamo mai visto e mai vedremo in una sola persona. Una persona Nera.

    Michael Jackson - rivista Jet, 1979: "La gente ci ha detto: 'Sopportatelo (il razzismo) semplicemente, perché è così che è il Sud. Questa è ignoranza ed è indotto perché non è affatto genetico".

    Rivista Ebony, 1984; "La cosa che odio di più è l'ignoranza, come le questioni di pregiudizio in America. So che è peggio in alcuni altri paesi., Ma vorrei poter prendere in prestito, da paesi come il Venezuela o il Trinidad, il vero amore delle persone che non fanno distinzione di colore e portarlo in America. Sono prevenuto contro l'ignoranza, l'ignoranza è principalmente quello contro cui sono prevenuto".

    Intervista radiofonica con Steve Harvey, 2002: "Sono orgoglioso delle mie origini, ne sono orgoglioso. Sono orgoglioso di essere nero. Sono onorato di essere nero e spero solo che un giorno saranno equi nel descrivermi come sono davvero... nient'altro che un pacifico ragazzo amorevole che vuole creare un meraviglioso intrattenimento senza precedenti, canzoni, musica e film, per il mondo. Questo è tutto quello che voglio fare. Io non sono nessuna minaccia. Voglio solo fare quello. Questo è quello che voglio fare. Per portare gioia nel mondo ".

    Edited by ArcoIris - 10/4/2018, 17:22
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